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Cell phones go Hollywood: Nokia in The Dark Knight

Cell phones go Hollywood: Nokia in The Dark Knight

Alright, hands up: How many of you saw The Dark Knight (the newest Batman flick)?  And what'd you think?  Personally, I thought it was alright but I liked Batman Begins better - less spectacular...
Site News: Welcome Andrew, Noah on the radio this Thursday

Site News: Welcome Andrew, Noah on the radio this Thursday

So just back from a week's working vacation up in Oregon, I find this on my YouTube channel page: jellydonut52 July 26, 2008Hey phonedog guy,I believe I saw you today on Hawthorne in Portland...
Bikini: New Photos of LG's Phone ... and Swimsuits

Bikini: New Photos of LG's Phone ... and Swimsuits

LG's KF600 "Bikini" is basically a non-Verizon version of the LG Venus with a different, and perhaps slightly sexier, name.  Bikini is also a bone thrown by LG's Naming Dept. (is there such a thing)...
Troublesome tellies

Troublesome tellies

With a flick of my finger I can so easily handle everyday tasks on my phone that it makes me wonder just how people once lived without these precious devices. Well, I might have to flick my finger a...
KickStart: BlackBerry flip gets positive early review

KickStart: BlackBerry flip gets positive early review

CrackBerry got their hands on the forthcoming BlackBerry KickStart 8220 way early and gave it a pretty positive first look.  RIM's first BlackBerry flip is kind of a beast, size-wise, but the upside...
Mobile euphemisms

Mobile euphemisms

Not a day goes by that I don't check my phone hysterically from morning 'til night. I love the thing! It's sleek, streamlined, trim, thin, glossy and silky, even.  Whatever you like to call your own...
8 Megapixels: Samsung Shows off i8510 Cameraphone

8 Megapixels: Samsung Shows off i8510 Cameraphone

Samsung threw a shindig in New York City last night and had its mythical beast du jour, the i8510, on hand.  According to Symbian-Guru, the i8510 is a Symbian S60 smartphone with an 8 megapixel...
iPhone Watch: AT&T Posts Inventory Updates; Red iPhone for Holiday Season

iPhone Watch: AT&T Posts Inventory Updates; Red iPhone for Holiday Season

A few notes from iPhone land (that's my fair warning to anyone tired of Apple, already, to just skip this post): - AT&T and European carrier O2 have posted iPhone 3G inventory updates.  The...
Cell Phones go Hollywood: Sony Ericsson in Vantage Point

Cell Phones go Hollywood: Sony Ericsson in Vantage Point

Last night I watched the movie "Vantage Point" on DVD.  It's utterly horrible and not worth your time.  Seriously. My brain kept itself occupied during the gimmicky, redundant plot and cheesy acting...
PSP with Skype: PSP 3000 Sports Microphone and GPS

PSP with Skype: PSP 3000 Sports Microphone and GPS

Phones are like mini-computers and computers are getting more phone-like capabilities every day.  Between smartphones that download new software and two-pound Netbooks that let you voice chat over...
New slydial services

New slydial services

We all do it. There is one call that you have to make that you keep putting off until tomorrow, and then the next day. Well, now, you can try Slydial, a new service that lets you connect directly...
PWNd: Noah's iPhone Upgraded and Unlocked With Software 2.0

PWNd: Noah's iPhone Upgraded and Unlocked With Software 2.0

It's not like I actually did anything except follow directions and click a few buttons, so take this as a public service announcement and not at all as a declaration of my own personal triumph: I...
Viva Las Cell Phone: Launches Mobile Site

Viva Las Cell Phone: Launches Mobile Site launched a mobile version of their Web site aimed at making it easier for Sin City visitors to, um, spend their money ... I mean, get on-the-go access to showtimes, ticket sales, and other...
Walkmen: Sony Ericsson Announces Three New Walkman Phones

Walkmen: Sony Ericsson Announces Three New Walkman Phones

Sony Ericsson celebrated the third birthday of its Walkman phone line by busting out a trio of new Walkman handsets today.  The new batch is headed up by the W902 "Patti," a candybar Quad-band GSM...
Pwnage: iPhone v2.0 Unlock and Jailbreak Tool Available Now

Pwnage: iPhone v2.0 Unlock and Jailbreak Tool Available Now

The iPhone-dev team's done it again.  PwnageTool 2.0.1 has been released to the public, which means folks like me can upgrade our old, unlocked iPhones to the new software at long last. In the words...
BlackJack: New Colors for BlackJack 2, New Rumors about BlackJack 3

BlackJack: New Colors for BlackJack 2, New Rumors about BlackJack 3

Samsung today released the popular BlackJack II WindowsMobile smartphone in two new colors - giving it the full on "Your a smart consumer phone, all WinMo AND fashiony!" treatment - while WMExperts...
Test New Phones First: Nokia Announces Nokia Pilots

Test New Phones First: Nokia Announces Nokia Pilots

Nokia has launched a new program aimed at getting consumers involved in the development of new products and services.  Nokia Pilots will recruit users to join in the development and testing process,...
Tiles! : Zumobi Brings Tiles and Widgets to BlackBerry and WinMo

Tiles! : Zumobi Brings Tiles and Widgets to BlackBerry and WinMo

Zumobi is a nifty platform that brings tile-based browsing and widgets to Windows Mobile, and now BlackBerry, smartphones.  I actually just learned about it over on JKontheRun and am curious if it's...
Good Times: Is the American Cell Phone Market Finally Maturing?

Good Times: Is the American Cell Phone Market Finally Maturing?

Cell phone junkies - or anyone who's spent any time in Europe, Korea, or Japan - will tell you that the U.S. cell phone market lags almost hopelessly behind its global counterparts.  The American...
Samsung Omnia: Buy an Omnia, Get an Xbox 360 Free - In Italy

Samsung Omnia: Buy an Omnia, Get an Xbox 360 Free - In Italy

One of the most exciting phones currently not coming to the US is Samsung's i900 Omnia.  Omnia is set to launch in Italy next Tuesday, July 22, and will make its way across Europe by the end of...
