CrackBerry got their hands on the forthcoming BlackBerry KickStart 8220 way early and gave it a pretty positive first look. RIM's first BlackBerry flip is kind of a beast, size-wise, but the upside is that the QVGA display is big, bright, and beautiful, and the SureType keypad has giant buttons that are easy to type on.
A choice snippet from the review: "While I think the BlackBerry Pearl is good for both the ladies and gents, one of the ongoing arguments in the forums is the notion that Pearls are for Girls. For any guys who actually worry about this, rest-assured the KickStart is a more masculine SureType option in the BlackBerry family." And, as Engadget Mobile points out, the KickStart "could end up making a huge splash if it actually manages to launch at the sub-$50 price point that's been making the rounds on the rumor circuit." KickStart could be a great addition to T-Mobile's BlackBerry/messaging lineup, no?
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