Nokia has launched a new program aimed at getting consumers involved in the development of new products and services. Nokia Pilots will recruit users to join in the development and testing process, as outlined on the program home page:
"Nokia Pilots gives you a unique opportunity to get involved in Nokia's creative process. Get an insider's perspective by taking an active role in the development and testing that will help shape Nokia's next generation of products and services. Your input and suggestions will help us develop new ideas that will be put into action as we strive to create the best products and services possible. Nokia believes that the best way to get better is by working together."
Think of Nokia Pilots as the anti-Apple development process: Apple builds really amazing stuff under total secrecy and then unleases it upon consumers who basically are told to "love it or leave it." Not much in the way of officially supported customization options are available for iPhone. Nokia, on the other hand, flies the "Open to All" flag high and proud, and builds products that are powerful and infinitely customizable, if sometimes a bit "complicated." Nokia Pilots is a logical extension of that philosophy. Sounds good to me.
Recruitment for the program will begin in September of this year, according to Nokia's website. More information is available on Nokia Pilots Public FAQ page.