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Apple patents technology against 'sexting,' could be educational too

Apple patents technology against 'sexting,' could be educational too

One of parents biggest fears when it comes to children, yes children, having cell phones is their child having the unrestricted ability to send and receive explicit content on their phone. Steve...
Rumor: Windows Phone 7 to get copy and paste, multitasking, navigation in Jan.

Rumor: Windows Phone 7 to get copy and paste, multitasking, navigation in Jan.

After Microsoft finally unveiled Windows Phone 7 on Monday, there were many people excited about the what new OS was bringing to the table, including myself.  Still, there were a few features absent...
Dell Streak moving to Android 2.2

Dell Streak moving to Android 2.2 "much sooner" than Dec. 31st

We learned back in August that the Dell Streak would be skipping Android 2.1 and move straight to Froyo when it gets updated, but there was no news on just when that upgrade would arrive.  Dell has...
FCC introduces plan to eliminate cell phone

FCC introduces plan to eliminate cell phone "bill shock"

Those of us that don't want to shell out for an unlimited cell phone plan can sometimes be in for quite a surprise when the phone bill finally comes if we go over our allotted minutes, texts, or...
Rumor: Motorola using Tegra 2 in a pair of tablets rather than a phone [UPDATED]

Rumor: Motorola using Tegra 2 in a pair of tablets rather than a phone [UPDATED]

Rumors have been flying about Motorola's new Tegra 2-powered smartphone, but now a new theory has entered the arena: Moto will actually be using the Tegra 2 in a pair of Android-powered tablets. ...
Windows Phone 7 won't let users swap SD cards [UPDATED]

Windows Phone 7 won't let users swap SD cards [UPDATED]

Windows Phone 7 was unveiled yesterday to much press and fanfare, and now that everyone has had a good chance to examine the OS and the devices that it runs on, all of its intricacies are coming out...
iPhone 4 accident rate double that of iPhone 3GS in first four months

iPhone 4 accident rate double that of iPhone 3GS in first four months

A few days ago there was a rumor that the iPhone 4's glass back could become scratched and cracked from particles stuck inside sliding cases.  Electronics warranty firm Squaretrade decided to crunch...
Rumor: Google releasing Gingerbread SDK next week

Rumor: Google releasing Gingerbread SDK next week

Android 2.2 is in the process of rolling out to old and new phones alike, but it looks like Froyo may soon be upstaged by a newer version of Android.  The folks over at Android Police have heard...
T-Mobile myTouch 3G getting Android 2.2 tomorrow [UPDATED]

T-Mobile myTouch 3G getting Android 2.2 tomorrow [UPDATED]

Well, this news kind of came out of nowhere.  After reporting that the G2, one of the newest Android phones on the market, would be getting an OTA update, we learn that the myTouch 3G, one of the...
India gives RIM two more months to come up with adequate security solution

India gives RIM two more months to come up with adequate security solution

The potential BlackBerry banning saga continues today as India has given Research In Motion two more months to come up with an adequate email monitoring solution.  Almost two weeks ago, India...
HTC loves both Windows Phone 7 and Android, no favorite yet

HTC loves both Windows Phone 7 and Android, no favorite yet

When a manufacturer like HTC is offering multiple mobile operating systems on their handsets (Windows Mobile, Windows Phone 7, and Android), it makes you wonder who they favor. According to Peter...
AT&T Palm Pixi Plus the last to get updated to webOS 1.4.5

AT&T Palm Pixi Plus the last to get updated to webOS 1.4.5

The AT&T Palm Pixi Plus may have taken longer than any of its webOS brethren to receive the 1.4.5 update, but all that matters is that it's finally here.  Sure, the Verizon Palm devices and the...
T-Mobile G2 update finally brings WiFi calling to Android [UPDATED]

T-Mobile G2 update finally brings WiFi calling to Android [UPDATED]

It's certainly been a long time coming, but T-Mobile has finally begun rolling out WiFi calling to Android.  The first device to get the ability is the G2, which was conspicuously absent from T-...
Get a 3 month Zune Pass when you pre-order a Windows Phone 7 device

Get a 3 month Zune Pass when you pre-order a Windows Phone 7 device

If yesterdays series of Windows Phone 7 announcements has got your mouth watering and you have decided to pre-order one for yourself, Mobile Crunch has clued us in on a pretty sweet deal that you...
Sprint now offering Certified Pre-Owned Device Program

Sprint now offering Certified Pre-Owned Device Program

If you're not exactly up to swallowing the tough knot of an expensive on-contract phone, Sprint now has a solution for you! As of yesterday, Sprint has started a Certified Pre-Owned Device Program...
Android tablets to outsell the iPad, analyst predicts

Android tablets to outsell the iPad, analyst predicts

We've been watching the Android v. iOS battle for quite some time in the smartphone world, and with the launch of the Samsung Galaxy Tab, that war is going to move to the tablet division.  No one is...
Palm Pre 2 outed by SFR: 1 GHz, 512 MB of RAM, refined design [UPDATED]

Palm Pre 2 outed by SFR: 1 GHz, 512 MB of RAM, refined design [UPDATED]

Palm has kept a pretty tight seal on the Palm Pre 2, with next to nothing about the phone leaking out.  French carrier SFR doesn't seem to have the same seal, though, as they just posted information...
Rumor: Motorola creating dual-core Tegra 2 superphone with Gingerbread

Rumor: Motorola creating dual-core Tegra 2 superphone with Gingerbread

Motorola has released a flurry of Android-powered phones recently, but a new rumor suggests that they're saving their best effort for early next year.  According to Android and Me, Motorola is...
Rumor: BlackBerry Oxford making Sprint stylish on Oct. 31 for $99.99

Rumor: BlackBerry Oxford making Sprint stylish on Oct. 31 for $99.99

The BlackBerry Torch has been the only 'Berry to officially run the new BlackBerry 6 OS since its launch, but that may be changing very soon.  The folks over at Boy Genius Report have received a...
Rumor: Verizon Samsung Galaxy Tab coming on November 1st

Rumor: Verizon Samsung Galaxy Tab coming on November 1st

Sprint, T-Mobile, and AT&T have all had some of their Samsung Galaxy Tab launch info leaked, and now it's time for the final carrier to have their release info rumored, too.  The folks over at...
