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Verizon could block unwanted LTE devices on their network

Verizon could block unwanted LTE devices on their network

With Verizon's move to LTE and SIM card-carrying handsets, many users are excited at the thought of being able to use any LTE phone they want on Big Red's network, something that isn't possible now...
Microsoft sells 1.5 million Windows Phone 7 devices in six weeks

Microsoft sells 1.5 million Windows Phone 7 devices in six weeks

Microsoft wasn't willing to talk Windows Phone 7 sales numbers just a couple of weeks ago, but it appears something has made them change their mind today.  According to a press release sent out...
Nexus One getting Gingerbread

Nexus One getting Gingerbread "in the coming weeks"

When Gingerbread was finally revealed a couple of weeks ago, it was rumored that the Nexus One would be getting the update right after Google'sannouncement.  Those rumors turned out to be false, but...
Google doesn't mind rooting, wants other manufacturers to follow suit

Google doesn't mind rooting, wants other manufacturers to follow suit

The process of rooting an Android device has, well, rooted itself in the Android culture, with manufacturers trying different methods to prevent users from cracking devices open and modifying them...
T-Mobile set to launch 4G mobile hotspots early next year?

T-Mobile set to launch 4G mobile hotspots early next year?

Sprint is launching a 4G-capable MiFi, possibly as soon as next month, and now it seems that T-Mobile will be joining them in the 4G hotspot fun.  A leaked image sent to our friends at TmoNews...
Verizon bringing LTE Android devices to show off at CES

Verizon bringing LTE Android devices to show off at CES

We already know that Verizon is planning to reveal LTE-capable products at CES next month, but today the carrier let another little detail slip: Android will be on-board at least some of the devices...
Motorola teases Honeycomb tablet with new video

Motorola teases Honeycomb tablet with new video

We've seen Motorola's Honeycomb-powered tablet on several occasions, including one shot where it was sporting a Verizon logo on its face.  Now it appears that Moto is ready to show off the device...
Samsung Intercept Android 2.2 upgrade causing problems, bricking phones

Samsung Intercept Android 2.2 upgrade causing problems, bricking phones

The Samsung Intercept finally got upgraded to Android 2.2 at the tail end of last week, but now it seems that Intercept owners that haven't already gotten Froyo may want to hold off on the update. ...
Sprint expands WiMAX service to Bridgeport, Conn. and Colorado's Front Range

Sprint expands WiMAX service to Bridgeport, Conn. and Colorado's Front Range

It may be a day later than expected, but better late than never, right?  Today Sprint announced that they've flipped the WiMAX switch in Bridgeport, Conn. and Denver, Colo., bringing the total...
AT&T buys Qualcomm spectrum to aid in their 4G expansion

AT&T buys Qualcomm spectrum to aid in their 4G expansion

AT&T is the only major carrier in the U.S. left without a 4G network in use, but they're definitely doing the work to get their LTE network going.  After shutting down their FLO TV service...
Rumor: Nokia in talks with Microsoft to create Windows Phone 7 devices

Rumor: Nokia in talks with Microsoft to create Windows Phone 7 devices

We've heard rumors that Nokia had an Android phone in the works, which were promptly shot down, but this is definitely a new one: according to Eldar Murtazin, the source of multiple Nokia leaks, the...
Analyst: Samsung places large Tegra 2 order for use in smartphones and tablets

Analyst: Samsung places large Tegra 2 order for use in smartphones and tablets

Samsung has already announced that they've got their own dual-core processors in the works, but if a couple of analyst reports are correct, they won't be using it in their upcoming tablet and...
HTC Knight, aka EVO Shift 4G, listed as PG0610 in Best Buy system

HTC Knight, aka EVO Shift 4G, listed as PG0610 in Best Buy system

Not long ago we saw an HTC device with the model number A7373 show up on a leaked Sprint document with a January 9th launch; we all assumed that the EVO Shift 4G's release date had been revealed,...
Study finds several popular apps secretly transmitting user data to advertisers

Study finds several popular apps secretly transmitting user data to advertisers

Usually if an application wants to transmit data to an outside source, you have to give it permission to do so.  According to a new report from the Wall Street Journal, though, some rather popular...
ITU caves, says LTE and WiMAX can be referred to as 4G

ITU caves, says LTE and WiMAX can be referred to as 4G

Up until now, the International Telecommunications Union has only considered LTE-Advanced and WiMAX 2 to be "true" 4G, but it looks like something has made the organization change its stance. ...
Report finds that 92 percent of RIM's sales growth taking place outside of U.S.

Report finds that 92 percent of RIM's sales growth taking place outside of U.S.

RIM threw out quite a few nice statistics yesterday in their Q3 earnings report, but perhaps the most interesting ones came today in a report released today from Horace Dediu of Asymco.  During the...
Motorola said to be working on two more rugged, DEFY-like products

Motorola said to be working on two more rugged, DEFY-like products

Motorola's DEFY is one of the more attractive ruggedized devices we've seen in recent memory, and it's not a bad all-around handset either.  That's why it shouldn't come as a surprise that Motorola...
Verizon Pre 2 shows up on eBay before its carrier's shelves

Verizon Pre 2 shows up on eBay before its carrier's shelves

We're still waiting for the Palm Pre 2 to make its way to Verizon's network here in the U.S., but it looks like at least one person has already spent some hands-on time with the device.  The device...
Rumor: Palm's tablet codenamed Topaz, new low-end webOS phone on the way

Rumor: Palm's tablet codenamed Topaz, new low-end webOS phone on the way

It's been quite a while since we've heard any information about Palm's entry into the tablet market, except that it might be launching in March, but that drought has come to an end today.  There's...
LG Optimus 2X set to arrive on T-Mobile early next year?

LG Optimus 2X set to arrive on T-Mobile early next year?

So the LG Star is now the LG Optimus 2X and, although it's going to be launched next month, the U.S. has so far been left out of the dual-core Tegra 2 fun.  According to the folks at RCR Wireless,...
