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What experiences have you had with exchanging phones?

What experiences have you had with exchanging phones?

I'm waiting to see how things turn out for me and my beloved G1 before dedicating any posts to my complaints about T-Mobile's exchange process. But I'd like to know about technical problems any of...
Carbon Diem wants you to go green using your cell phone

Carbon Diem wants you to go green using your cell phone

With LBS (location based services) becoming more effective and pervasive on cell phones, a London-based start up recently launched a new mobile application, called Carbon Diem that uses GPS to...
No more rumors: T-Mobile confirms BlackBerry Curve 8900 is coming

No more rumors: T-Mobile confirms BlackBerry Curve 8900 is coming

Just a couple days ago, Noah told us about a rumored report posted at T-Mo news about the BB Curve 8900 heading to T-Mobile in February.  Well, a full press release from T-Mobile confirms the rumors...
Turn your iPhone into a heart/cardio monitor

Turn your iPhone into a heart/cardio monitor

I should exercise. No, really ? I need to back off from the keyboard, take the Twinkie out of my mouth and go for a run or something. I should, but I don't. Working out has never given me big results...
Worried about buying an iPhone 3G for your carrier?

Worried about buying an iPhone 3G for your carrier?

Before you drop the bills for the no-contract price, check out the reports from other users on the efficacy of Yellowsn0w. For those who don't know about Yellowsn0w, its the Dev-Team's un-locker for...
Resolutions for 2009

Resolutions for 2009

In Korean households, New Year's day is a time for family. We spend the first of the year together, eating a traditional soup called Duk Kuk, a rice cake dish with savory broth. (It's sort of like...
My take on Samsung's Behold (T-Mobile)

My take on Samsung's Behold (T-Mobile)

Pros: nice look, friendly camera interface, 3G, 5MP, good touchscreen, functions as USB mass storage device. Cons: poor web browsing, GPS is limited to bad bundled app or freebie downloads; no Google...
BlackBerry Curve 8900: Specs Now, T-Mobile Launch on February 11

BlackBerry Curve 8900: Specs Now, T-Mobile Launch on February 11

Our friends at T-Mo news just hit me up saying they'd gone live with official specs and launch info regarding the T-Mobile version of RIM's BlackBerry Curve 8900.  And they weren't lying. February...
Sorry Zune lovers, no Zunephone at CES

Sorry Zune lovers, no Zunephone at CES

This one may have been speculated and buzzed about even more than the iPhone Nano. And while the tiny Apple handset might be around the bend, an extremely well-situated source has said, straight up,...
Apple tosses snooty app standards, connoisseurs of frat humor cheer

Apple tosses snooty app standards, connoisseurs of frat humor cheer

The day after John posted about Noble Fart and Pull My Finger bringing joy to fans of bodily functions via Android, a buddy let it slip that the latter was his favorite new iPhone app. Was it just a...
Another 8MP Samsung on the loose

Another 8MP Samsung on the loose

Photos of a sexy slider with a touchscreen have turned up as well as some tentative specs. If the distinctive form factor doesn't get you, perhaps the camera will. The Samsung S8300 packs 8MP of...
Modular LG device at the ready?

Modular LG device at the ready?

We don't have anything official, and haven't heard from LG or Verizon on this. But a reliable source has confirmed that the buzz-worthy modular LG touchscreen is ready to launch. It's just a matter...
(Seriously) green mobile tech: The bike-powered battery charger

(Seriously) green mobile tech: The bike-powered battery charger

Seems like eco-friendly cell chargers are trendy now. (That and wanting to be buried with a cell phone. Now what is that all about? I really love my phone too, but no?I really, really can't hear you...
Sling gets shot to BB users

Sling gets shot to BB users

I've been a huge fan of mobile TV, though not a big fan of today's crop of providers (especially Sprint TV. Poor you, if you've been hobbling along with this dismal service. I feel your pain.)...
MOTOZINE ZN5 camera review by Dr. Photo

MOTOZINE ZN5 camera review by Dr. Photo

Welcome to the second installment of Dr. Photo with me, Dr. Photo*.  Today we?ll be talking about the Motorola Motozine ZN5, one of the new generation of high pixel count camera phones that have...
iPhones have arrived at Wal-Mart, $99 3Gs!

iPhones have arrived at Wal-Mart, $99 3Gs!

Next time you run out for some toilet paper, why not snag an 8 GB iPhone for $197, or a 16 GB for $297? Those are the price points at Wal-Mart; $2 cheaper than AT&T sells them new. If you're...
UK's Fonebank turns old devices into cash

UK's Fonebank turns old devices into cash

And for some, the used phones become a new phone. Much like the Flipswap venture I wrote about last month, Fonebank helps consumers to protect their local landfill and water table from the toxic...
iFart blows up on Christmas

iFart blows up on Christmas

I'm sure a few of you spotted the word fart in the top-performing news items in various social news sites on Monday, the 22nd. Joel Comm made ten grand that day with his whoopie cushon iPhone program...
$30,000 phone?

$30,000 phone?

Yep. And if you think the phone is weird, check out the case. This handset was made from solid gold and the ghosts of homeless children. Over 2,000 man-hours went into the construction of this...
Lead-coated iPhone Nano vs. $99 1st-gen refurb

Lead-coated iPhone Nano vs. $99 1st-gen refurb

I'm getting so caught up in the Nano buzz. No reason to stop now. If the real thing never comes, I'm sure at least a couple of Westerners will be willing to settle for the golden "equivalent." So far...
