Noah Kravitz

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Noah Kravitz

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CTIA Fall '08: Sony Ericsson announces Xperia X1 Launch Date ... Not for U.S.

I was hoping to hear some new news from Sony Ericsson here at CTIA WITE regarding the forthcoming Xperia X1 smartphone.  And I did ... but it's not the full story, and unfortunately for folks like me...

CTIA Fall '08: Hands-on with Sprint's new LG Lotus, Noah Kravitz

I got a little up close time with Sprint's Fall lineup at the CTIA media event Wed. night, and you can check out the results via video.  But if you're old skool and prefer reading to watching, here's...

CTIA Fall '08: Hands-on with Sprint's new Samsung Rant and Highnote

Sprint unveiled a fleet of new devices at the show this week, including the Samsung Rant and Highnote: Rant:  Rant, in all honesty, looks a lot like the LG Rumor that debuted at last year's Fall...

Blackberry Bold Hands-On

CTIA Fall '08: Hands-on with the HTC Touch Pro

This is gonna be quick, as we've actually got a date with HTC in 20 minutes, at which time we'll hopefully get a little cozier with the Touch Pro and report back to you (ahem, with video, I hope). ...

CTIA Fall '08: Hands-on with the Blackberry Bold and Flip

Greetings from the press area at Moscone West in downtown San Francisco.  I gotta say, I'm loving this makeshift press area - I'm sitting with Tom and Doug at a table next to two stories of windows...

Apple media event: Apple launches iTunes 8, iPhone firmware 2.1

Apple held a media event in San Francisco today at which CEO Steve Jobs rolled out a refreshed iPod line along with two pieces of software notable to iPhone owners: iTunes 8 and iPhone/iPod Touch...

HTC Updates: Best Buy Diamond is 3G, What is the QUAR100?

Two quick updates on the HTC front: First, that HTC Touch Diamond that's available for pre-order via Best Buy?  According to Engadget it is a US-spec 3G version, after all.  It's still $699 and its...

G705: Sony Ericsson launches high-end slider

Sony Ericsson went ahead and got all official like with the G705, a high-end sliderphone that will see the light of day on Orange UK at the end of this year and in the U.S. in Q1 of 2009.  This GSM/...

iMate Ultimate 9502 Review

Bad Press: Will Android be a massive failure?

I'm telling you straight up before I get to the "reporting" that this is a classic example of me commenting on someone else's story with no personal first-hand knowledge of the situation.  I've yet...

Unlocked: Best Buy to sell HTC Touch Diamond

Really want an HTC Touch Diamond?  Really, really want one?  Like, want one so badly that you can't wait for the GSM version with North American 3G to be released, and/or don't want to sign up with...

Cell devices and CTIA 2008 San Francisco Preview

It's the maiden voyage of the PhoneDog Podcast! On episode one, Noah covers the first week of September in cell phone news: iPhone 3G woes, Google Android and Google Chrome, and T-Mobile's first...

Apple Tuesday: Apple's planning something big for tomorrow's event

The banners up at the Yerba Buena Arts Center in San Francisco are big, and Apple is reportedly telling members of the press that their "Let's Rock" media event scheduled for tomorrow morning is...
