Noah Kravitz

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Noah Kravitz

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Noah Answers Your Questions - N95, Instinct, or enV2?

Q. hey first off I would like to say awesome reviews on youtube. Ive been looking at three phones to buy; Nokia N95, samsung instinct and the lg keybo(env2). I am looking for a good internet phone...

Coming to Verizon: What is the LG VX9600?

The Friday before CTIA and a few bits and pieces of phone news are coming in ... that's a good sign. Earlier today I traded Emails with one of my contacts at LG to make sure that we sync up at CTIA...

SE TM506: T-Mobile officially launches first 3G handset

T-Mobile USA finally got all official and stuff with their forthcoming 3G network by launching the Sony Ericsson TM506 today.  Okay, okay, they've acknowledged the 3G business before, but they've...

Tocco for America: FCC shows Samsung T919 bound for T-Mobile

Today's shaping up to be a good one for digging through the FCC's online goldmine.  New filings have outed the Samsung T919, a T-Mobile-bound GSM/EDGE/3G device (yup!) featuring a whole slew of...

Viewty 2: LG ups the ante because 5 megapixels is SO yesterday

Thanks, Ryan, for tipping me off to this one.  I lose out on the early morning news announcements sometimes since I'm three hours behind the East Coast here in California.  Then again, while you East...

Chrome: Hands-On with Google's new - Android-bound? - browser

Some of you know I'm a Mac user - maybe you could tell from the iMovie-generated title graphics in my videos - but I actually just finished building my first PC.  I needed a new machine for my office...

Future Talk: Netbooks and MIDs will have 3G/3G built-in. So what?

There's been a lot of talk over the past several months about Netbooks and now MIDs.  Netbooks are ultra-light, ultra-portable, low cost laptop computers like the Asus Eee PC, MSI Wind, Lenovo S10,...

Noah Answers Your Questions - What features are "free" with my Instinct on Sprint?

Q. I'm looking forward to buy the Samsung Instinct and before I buy it, I want to know more about GPS, Internet, MP3 for example if GPS, does it come with the phone or they charge extra for it??, and...

iFail: Data is down for East Coast iPhone/AT&T customers

Reports from a number of sources and Web sites are pointing to the latest in a string of iPhone 3G problems: Data services are out for AT&T customers up and down the East Coast, and the majority...

The jig is NOT up: New IP addresses fix T-Zones hack

Thanks to everyone who commented & emailed me on this one.  Turns out that T-Mobile simply changed the IP addresses on some of their servers, and T-Zones Web access was not cut off after all. ...

Xperia: SE releases development kit for Xperia panels

Hot on the heels of vehemently denying any delays whatsoever to the forthcoming launch of the flagship Xperia X1 smartphone, Sony Ericsson has released a Software Development Kit for X1 panels.  The...

HTC on Sprint: Touch Diamond for Sprint mid-Sept, Touch Pro on 10/19

A thread on Sprint Users "confirms" release and pricing info for HTC's Touch Diamond and Touch Pro smartphones on Sprint.  To be fair, the thread has images of device hotsheets, so this looks pretty...

App Store: Platform-based software stores are the new trend

First was Apple's iPhone App Store.  Then came word that T-Mobile was developing an App Store whose launch might coincide with that of the Google Android-powered HTC Dream phone, though it would...
