Taylor Martin

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Taylor Martin

Taylor Martin is the Managing Editor for PhoneDog and has over six years of experience with BlackBerry and two or more years of hands-on experience with mobile platforms like Android, webOS, and iOS. When he isn't writing into the wee hours of the morning, Taylor is hacking, tweaking, and modding one of his phones or tablets to do his laundry and cook his breakfast. Away from cell phones and other gadgets, Taylor spends his time with friends and family and enjoys playing video games, eating sushi, tweeting, and watching anything of worth on Netflix – especially documentaries. If you have any Netflix recommendations or tech-related questions, follow him on Twitter. Just remember to keep it under 140 characters, folks.

Author's latest articles, videos, reviews and more...

Taylor's Top 5 Android smartphones for Back to School (2011)

Here we are, flying past the midpoint of August and just like that, it's just about time for classes to be kicking back into action any time now. It's time to clean the sand and beach towels out of...

Is there a place in the mobile market for Grid OS?

The mobile space is growing – more like exploding – faster than we could have ever imagined. Four years ago, the mobile space was hit with a catalyst, better known as the iPhone. With iOS in tow,...

Should all Android tablets have mini apps for more desktop-like multitasking?

(Click picture for a larger depiction) Everyday it seems I find another use for my tablets. I tend to use the Galaxy Tab as my day planner, a portal for reading local and national news, keeping up...

Why Google and Motorola are a match made in Android heaven

Well, it seems we woke to a bit of a surprise this morning in the Android camp – a possible game changer. Google has purchased Motorola Mobility and blindsided us all. To be honest, though, we...

Is this really the Ice Cream Sandwich update?

Ice Cream Sandwich – Google's next Android update that will supposedly bring tablet and phone software back together – is all the buzz in the Android camp. Google has yet to release any significant...

When it comes to phones and tablets, how thin is too thin?

The smartphone revolution began roughly four years ago and has kick-started multiple arms races in the mobile realm. Wireless providers are scrambling to make the 4G transition and nationwide...

Will cell phones come equipped with airbags in the future?

We all have done it before. Dropping your phone is never a good thing, for the device itself or for your nerves and temper. Each time, it's just as gut-wrenching as the last. I dropped my iPhone...

Has Apple gone overboard with Android patent suits?

Another day in the mobile realm, another patent suit. Patent battles are commonplace in the mobile space, due to it being one of the most competitive markets in world. Companies are moving forward...

Does instant messaging pose a threat to carrier text messaging?

Voice calling is dying. It will never completely disappear as there will always be a need for a voice call on occasion. But as Robin Wauters of TechCrunch outlines in his article about why he is...

Will the release of Ice Cream Sandwich phones impede iPhone sales?

In case you haven't heard, Apple's next iPhone should be arriving sometime in the next month. It has been rumored what seems like a million different times over the past few months, most...

Should tiered data users be allowed to tether for free?

The days of limitless wireless data are coming to an end, quickly. AT&T was the first to take the tiered plunge, followed by T-Mobile and Verizon, leaving Sprint as the only major national...

Will customers pass up BlackBerry 7 devices for RIM's first QNX line?

Last week, Research In Motion's next iteration of devices were announced and will be making their way to a carrier near you in the not too distant future. Finally touting some decent specifications...

Are tablet movie rentals a bit absurd?

Tablets have been around for some time now and people are finally beginning to see some real world applications for the large, portable slabs. They are great for note taking, web browsing and in...

How to prolong your cell phone battery's life span

Ever since I made the jump from BlackBerry to countless other mobile platforms, I have been primarily displeased with battery life. Some platforms are clearly less power-hungry than others, but in...

Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 TouchWiz UX Review

When I first learned that Samsung would be adding their increasingly popular custom interface to Honeycomb, I cringed at the thought. I'm not particularly a fan of TouchWiz to begin with (or any...
