Taylor Martin

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Taylor Martin

Taylor Martin is the Managing Editor for PhoneDog and has over six years of experience with BlackBerry and two or more years of hands-on experience with mobile platforms like Android, webOS, and iOS. When he isn't writing into the wee hours of the morning, Taylor is hacking, tweaking, and modding one of his phones or tablets to do his laundry and cook his breakfast. Away from cell phones and other gadgets, Taylor spends his time with friends and family and enjoys playing video games, eating sushi, tweeting, and watching anything of worth on Netflix – especially documentaries. If you have any Netflix recommendations or tech-related questions, follow him on Twitter. Just remember to keep it under 140 characters, folks.

Author's latest articles, videos, reviews and more...

Why I'm glad the DOJ stepped in to fight the AT&T-Mobile merger

AT&T's merger with T-Mobile has been a sticky subject since the deal was proposed back in March. The proposal has to get the approval from the FCC before the two companies can officially meet in...

Was HP only trying to saturate the market with drastic discounts?

Since announcing their plans to quit the mobile hardware business, HP has found themselves frequenting the headlines. They slashed the prices of their remaining webOS devices and have hinted at...

Will you buy a Samsung Galaxy S II or wait for another phone?

So there you have it … they're finally here. Well, almost here. The US variants of the Galaxy S II were finally made official after four long months of waiting. They should land on a carrier near...

Is HTC headed in the wrong direction with Sense UI?

Over the past two years, manufacturers have taken theming and putting their own twist on Google's Android platform to the extreme. HTC has the ever-popular Sense UI, Samsung created TouchWiz,...

Can Samsung's ChatOn service solve current instant messaging woes?

Instant messaging is the new text messaging. It's cheaper (per byte), generally quicker and even comes with extra options like read receipts and statuses so you won't interrupt someone while they're...

Should Samsung purchase webOS from HP?

The past two weeks in tech was a prime example of just how crazy and unpredictable the mobile world can be. But throughout all of the mind-blowing news, one question has remained in the back of...

What a Sprint iPhone 5 could mean for the Now Network

The latest word on the street is that the iPhone may be heading to Sprint this go-around – not likely in a WiMAX flavor. This is hardly the first time we've heard of Apple's iconic smartphone making...

How I use my tablet(s) from day to day

Many have written tablets off as overpriced, unnecessary novelty items. (What do you want to bet a large portion of "tablet naysayers” went back on their word and snatched a TouchPad last weekend?)...

Experiencing lag on your new TouchPad? Here's how to fix it

Just over a week has passed since HP slashed the price of their TouchPad and announced their departure from the mobile hardware industry. That means that those of you who were lucky enough to place...

Taylor's all time Top 5 classic cell phones

I have been in this business for just shy of two years now. In the eyes of many in this industry, I'm just a kid. But the truth is, I've had just about as much experience and hands-on time as anyone...

Should tablets have support for multiple users?

Tablets, though many still find it hard to accept them as a viable technology, are quickly becoming common household items. They are the new iPod paired with a larger display and marketed as a...

How Barnes & Noble and onSale misled TouchPad buyers

Talk of HP's TouchPad liquidation has littered the Internet this week. The fire sale might prove to work wonders for the failing software platform, but not without leaving a trail of destruction and...

Should smartphones come with laser projectors for easier text input?

It's no secret that typing on a touchscreen display isn't the most friendly of input methods. I was a long-time BlackBerry fanatic and am a huge advocate of their keyboards. I found the learning...

Are carriers more willing to give up or pass on certain phones?

It's hard to say exactly what rate phones are releasing. It's at least a few per month and certainly up from last year. It's increasingly hard to keep up with, especially because they're all so...

Despite its shortcomings, I can never fully leave Android

Over the past two years, I have extensively used all of the popular mobile operating systems here in the States. Each platform has unique benefits which cause me to love each and every one in their...
