Taylor Martin

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Taylor Martin

Taylor Martin is the Managing Editor for PhoneDog and has over six years of experience with BlackBerry and two or more years of hands-on experience with mobile platforms like Android, webOS, and iOS. When he isn't writing into the wee hours of the morning, Taylor is hacking, tweaking, and modding one of his phones or tablets to do his laundry and cook his breakfast. Away from cell phones and other gadgets, Taylor spends his time with friends and family and enjoys playing video games, eating sushi, tweeting, and watching anything of worth on Netflix – especially documentaries. If you have any Netflix recommendations or tech-related questions, follow him on Twitter. Just remember to keep it under 140 characters, folks.

Author's latest articles, videos, reviews and more...

Should you buy a tablet instead of an eReader?

Back in late 2007, Amazon's Kindle eBook reader (eReader for short) kick-started a change to the way we read books forever. The days of buying print books are slowly fading as electronic renditions...

How important is your smartphone to you?

We've heard it a million times and it's nothing that we don't already know. Smartphones have changed the way we live, communicate and connect with the rest of the world. In many cases, cell phones...

Should you be worried about malware on your Android smartphone?

It's that time again, folks. That's right, it's time to talk smartphone security … again. Smartphones have become a staple in the way we live our lives. Mobile platforms haven't replaced full-...

Why the Amazon Appstore can be great for users and bad for developers

Oh, Amazon Appstore … where do I begin? Amazon entered the Android app selling business back in late March of this year. Aside from not having nearly as many applications as Google's store, offering...

Should you avoid smartphones with PenTile displays?

Over the past two years, I have owned numerous phones and logged many hours with almost every type of mobile display available. There are some I simply cannot get enough of and others … well, not so...

Prepare to be spammed on a new level with push notification advertising

Over the past four years, mobile application support has grown from a mere handful of games and applications to just short of one million applications, accumulatively. A large portion of said...

Should every classroom be equipped with tablets?

Tablets are a love-hate technology with most consumers. The blown-up smartphones offer a larger display but little extra functionality over your run-of-the-mill smartphone. Regardless, many have...

Could multitasking on tablets be better?

One of the less-hyped features of mobile platforms nowadays is multitasking, mainly because they all do it (or will, in Windows Phone 7's case) in one form or another. Whether it be gesture...

Why do manufacturers hold back some specifications?

Over the past year, the mobile market has been flooded with Android devices of every shape, size and flavor imaginable. We have traversed from the land of the Snapdragon to the era of the dual-core...

Should you buy your next phone from an authorized dealer?

When purchasing a new cell phone, it's common practice to do some research and find the best deal available. If you can find the phone you are looking to purchase for $50 cheaper, why not? It's not...

Is typing on a touchscreen about to get better?

One of the biggest gripes that has come of the modern smartphone is the frustration surrounding text input. In an effort to slim down, lighten and optimize the touchscreen slabs for mobile platforms...

Should Google focus on getting their Nexus phones on more carriers simultaneously?

Of all the hundred or so well-known Android handsets, there are a distinct few that truly stand out. Of course, you have the iconic phones like the EVO 4G and the original Droid, and some of the...

Why the PlayBook was doomed from the start

Some like it, some don't. The BlackBerry PlayBook has been a love-hate device since it was first rumored a few years ago as the BlackPad. Running QNX, a software made by the like-named company...

Why you should consider sticking with your current carrier over switching

Being in my position, I get asked a lot of questions about plans, pricing, insurance and well, any workarounds or loopholes I may know of that can help friends and family save a buck or two. More...

A tablet rental service at baseball games is a bit silly, don't you think?

Some have already written the tablet market off as a gimmick and vowed to never purchase one of the blown-up smartphones themselves. The argument is that you are getting little to no extra...
