Taylor Martin

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Taylor Martin

Taylor Martin is the Managing Editor for PhoneDog and has over six years of experience with BlackBerry and two or more years of hands-on experience with mobile platforms like Android, webOS, and iOS. When he isn't writing into the wee hours of the morning, Taylor is hacking, tweaking, and modding one of his phones or tablets to do his laundry and cook his breakfast. Away from cell phones and other gadgets, Taylor spends his time with friends and family and enjoys playing video games, eating sushi, tweeting, and watching anything of worth on Netflix – especially documentaries. If you have any Netflix recommendations or tech-related questions, follow him on Twitter. Just remember to keep it under 140 characters, folks.

Author's latest articles, videos, reviews and more...

Late to the party, has the Galaxy S II missed its window in the US?

 Samsung's second generation Galaxy S series has been a major hit across the pond since it launched in May (and late April through some third-party retailers). The “big” phone touts a 4.3-inch Super...

Can RIM's QNX handsets compete with the iPhone and Android phones?

Back in the day, BlackBerrys were the phones to have. But with the entrance of the iPhone and hundreds of Android phones, they quickly became the slowest, most underpowered and outdated handsets on...

Can moderate cell phone use in the workplace improve productivity?

Cell phones are distracting. They keep us from socializing with friends and family at dinner, they bring distractions and interruptions into theaters and have been to blame for a slew fatal wrecks...

Did you buy a TouchPad this weekend in hopes of an Android port?

If you didn't catch word of the TouchPad fire sale, chances are you didn't turn on your computer this weekend. Every tech nut, and everyone who's been waiting for the perfect moment to buy a tablet...

Should some smartphones be customizable and made-to-order?

The cell phone market exploded four years ago. Ever since, phones have become increasingly complex, functional and expensive. With literally hundreds of choices between brand, form factor and price...

HP's TouchPad fire sale may be the best thing to ever happen to webOS

If you haven't already heard, HP's out of the webOS hardware business and they celebrated by announcing a fire sale of all of their remaining webOS devices (save for the Pre3 and just-released 64GB...

Why I'm glad to finally be back on BlackBerry

Over the past two years, I've had my rounds with every major mobile OS (save for Symbian) out there. Android, iOS, Windows Phone 7 and webOS have all found a permanent, cozy spot in my heart. But my...

How should the false documents in Apple's patent suits be handled?

Apple has been on a tirade for the past few months, suing a handful of Android partner manufacturers for anything they feel looks or operates remotely like their iPhone or iPad. When this first...

Where HP and Palm went wrong with webOS

I look back at webOS – what it could have been and how both HP and Palm had no clue as to what they should do with the little gold nugget in their hands – and I'm sad. No, I'm hollow. How did they...

The perfect superphone part deux

Last month, we visited the topic of the “perfect superphone.” With any choice of manufacturer, any specifications and any mobile software, the sky was the limit. Through a lengthy explanation, I...

Average data usage is increasing, despite data caps

With always-connected, pocket-sized computers at our constant disposal, it's hard not to use them each and every time we get a spare moment. Hop on Twitter and tell your friends what you had for...

Will LG experience a backlash for locking the G-Slate bootloader?

Oh, LG, I want to love you but I can't. Just when we think you may make it in the smartphone world, you go and do this. You make good phones, not great phones; you raise the bar, but only so much;...

Will the Pre 3 face similar disinterest from US carriers?

Back in April of last year, HP won the bid for Palm, hoping to breathe life into the web-based platform. Palm originally introduced webOS in the middle of 2009; it initially caught the eye of...

Taylor's Top 5 mobile apps for Back to School (2011)

Going back to school after three months of summer vacation is tough. Nobody wants to wake up extra early to catch the bus or to beat traffic so you can be on time for your 8:00 AM class. And trading...

Should HTC take notes from Samsung's naming structure?

It has been expressed a million times. Phones are coming out of the woodwork and carrier shelves are running out of space. Samsung, LG, Motorola, HTC and a handful of other manufacturers are pushing...
