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Rumor: Original Nexus S scrapped in favor of a dual-core model

Rumor: Original Nexus S scrapped in favor of a dual-core model

Yesterday we were bombarded with Nexus S leaks, concluded with an image of the real deal in the wild and as well as some specs for the device.  Today the folks at Android and Me have brought us a...
AT&T warns Samsung Focus owners to avoid microSD cards until

AT&T warns Samsung Focus owners to avoid microSD cards until "certified" cards arrive

Samsung's Windows Phone 7-powered Focus has had some well-documented problems with SD cards, but today AT&T addressed the whole situation and said that a solution is coming.  The carrier pointed...
Google teases Gingerbread once again, this time on Twitter

Google teases Gingerbread once again, this time on Twitter

Google has teased Gingerbread once before by videotaping the giant cookie's arrival on the company's campus, and today they took to Twitter to tease Android 2.3 once again.  The @GoogleMobile...
Rumor: No Verizon LTE phones this year, Samsung, LG, HTC, and Moto devices coming in 2011

Rumor: No Verizon LTE phones this year, Samsung, LG, HTC, and Moto devices coming in 2011

We know that Verizon is planning to showcase six LTE-capable handsets and tablets at CES 2011, but a new rumor suggests that we won't be seeing any LTE phones before then.  We've heard that an 4G-...
Lenovo CEO: LePad tablet coming to the U.S. in 2011

Lenovo CEO: LePad tablet coming to the U.S. in 2011

Just about every mobile manufacturer is planning to introduce an entrant into the Great Tablet Race next year, and today Lenovo confirmed that they, too, will be joining the fray.  Yang Yuanqinq,...
Palm Pre 2 confirmed for Verizon in Q4

Palm Pre 2 confirmed for Verizon in Q4

So the Palm Pre 2 is headed for Verizon, that much we know.  What we don't know is exactly when it'll be launching, outside of the vague "in the coming months" window that HP/Palm gave us last month...
iOS 4.2 release pushed back due to WiFi bug

iOS 4.2 release pushed back due to WiFi bug

After the Gold Master build of iOS 4.2 was released a couple of weeks ago, many expected Apple to release the final, public build of 4.2 on November 12th, aka today.  You can remove your mouse...
Motorola Droid Pro to Verizon

Motorola Droid Pro to Verizon

Retail Price: $479.99Phone Price: $179.99Hot Features: Android 2.2, 1GHz processor, 5MP camera with D1 video capture and easy YouTube upload function, 3.1" touchscreen   
KIN One and KIN Two making their grand return to Verizon

KIN One and KIN Two making their grand return to Verizon

Remember the KINs?  Microsoft's high-end feature phones/kind-of-smartphones that were killed off only six weeks after being launched are coming back for a second go-round with Verizon, although...

Samsung "flagship" Gingerbread phone leaks, coming early next year

There were a multitude of Nexus S leaks today, but some of you may not have been totally thrilled with the looks and potential specs of the handset.  Always looking to please, Samsung has a new...
HTC Mecha, aka Incredible HD, in the wild and accessing Verizon 4G

HTC Mecha, aka Incredible HD, in the wild and accessing Verizon 4G

When the name "Mecha" appeared on the HTC's Sense website a couple of weeks back, no one was sure just what the device would look like.  It turns out that we actually saw the Mecha once before way...
RIM said to be working on slim, entry-level BlackBerry slider

RIM said to be working on slim, entry-level BlackBerry slider

The BlackBerry Torch is a nice, high-end handset (especially for only $99.99 on-contract), but some users would prefer something more along the lines of RIM's extremely popular Curve/Pearl series. ...
enV Pro may not be canceled after all, now slated for a January launch?

enV Pro may not be canceled after all, now slated for a January launch?

A couple of weeks ago, we finally saw images of the Android-powered enV Pro leak out with a rumored launch date of November 11th, aka today.  Right after the images leaked out, though, our dreams of...
Venue Pro WiFi problems acknowledged by Dell

Venue Pro WiFi problems acknowledged by Dell

A few days ago, we heard reports that Dell's entry in to the world of Windows Phone 7, the Venue Pro, had been plagued with some issues that rendered it unable to connect to secure WiFi networks. ...
Rumor: Dell Opus One to be the follow-up to the Streak, features dual-core 1.2GHz chip

Rumor: Dell Opus One to be the follow-up to the Streak, features dual-core 1.2GHz chip

The Dell Streak has never really seemed like a runaway success ever since it was released earlier this year (although sales may increase now that it's at Best Buy), but that hasn't stopped Dell from...
Samsung Galaxy Tab to T-Mobile and Verizon

Samsung Galaxy Tab to T-Mobile and Verizon

Release Date: November 11, 2010Carriers: T-Mobile and VerizonRetail Price: $599.99 @ T-Mobile and Verizon Tablet Price: $399.99 at T-Mobile with 2-year contract.  $599.99 at Verizon with month to...
Sprint and Clearwire clash over WiMAX fees

Sprint and Clearwire clash over WiMAX fees

Both Sprint and Clearwire have been in some choppy water as of late, with Clearwire desperately needing funding and Sprint involved in a 4G spat with T-Mobile.  Now the two companies are having a...
Nexus S teased on Best Buy's website [UPDATED]

Nexus S teased on Best Buy's website [UPDATED]

The Nexus Two/S may have been pushed back because of some hardware issues, but that hasn't stopped Best Buy from advertising the device on their website.  If you were shopping for a new phone on...
AT&T Galaxy Tab arriving November 21st with a $649.99 price tag?

AT&T Galaxy Tab arriving November 21st with a $649.99 price tag?

While T-Mobile and now Verizon are busy selling the Samsung Galaxy Tab to their customers, we've yet to hear a peep about AT&T's model except that it existed.  Luckily, someone has decided to...
Samsung Zeal to Verizon

Samsung Zeal to Verizon

Release Date: November 11, 2010Retail Price: $249.99Phone Price: $79.99Hot Features: Unique flip form factor, 2MP camera with video capture,keyboard with E-Ink technology    
