Noah Kravitz

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Noah Kravitz

Author's latest articles, videos, reviews and more...

Android watch: Sony Ericsson joins OHA, says Android phone on the way

The name "Open Handset Alliance" sounds like an afterschool club for roleplaying gamers or hardcore a/v nerds ... which I suppose it is, since those former D&D'ers and Beta-heads are now running...

Android watch: So NOW Android's good enough for Sprint?

Wasn't so long ago that Sprint CEO Dan Hesse was saying that Google's Android OS just wasn't "good enough to put the Sprint brand on it."  Sounds like Android got a whole lot better in an awful big...

Oh, Canada: BlackBerry Curve 8900 hits Rogers

While it's no surprise that RIM, a Canadian company, would release the new "Curve II" 8900 on Rogers, a Canadian carrier, before unleashing it on the States, it still kinda hurts.  Rogers customers...

Noah Answers Your Questions - Which AT&T or Verizon touchscreen?

Q. My phone plan is up in 2 weeks with Sprint. I'm really not sure which phone I should get I'm looking for a touchscreen phone with a keyboard. In your opinion what phone would be the best and it...

Belt-Tightening: Sprint may cut prices again

Forbes is reporting that Sprint is going to announce "significant" job cuts next month, and that the US' number three wireless carrier could be prepping for another price cut in hopes of gaining some...

Keep it simple: SE Walkman Xmini looks nice and hot

Sometimes a break from the pursuit of the ultimate convergence device can be nice.  Just a few weeks ago I started raving like a madman about the simple joys of the Nokia XpressMusic 5310, a device...

Memoir: Blurry photos of T-Mobile's 8MP Samsung cameraphone

Kudos to David over at TmoNews, who's always coming up with the magenta-hued goods.  This time it's blurry front/back photos of what looks like a Samsung Pixon all dressed up in T-Mobile trim.  So...

Wal-Phone: iPhone to Walmart confirmed, maybe not 4GB $99 Model

A source of mine confirmed that Apple's iPhone will be available at Walmart before the end of the month.  That's not really news at this point, but then again this is a fairly new source of mine, so...

Open Platforms: A few days with the Nokia E71

As you may know if you read my ramblings on the regular, a few weeks ago I got tired of my iPhone's lack of MMS, lack of widescreen QWERTY board for messaging, and newfound touchscreen wonkiness.  I...

Mini-Review: Sony Ericsson Xperia X1 (Unlocked GSM)

Pros: Large VGA touchscreen, Elegant brushed metal body, HSDPA and WiFi Connectivity, Excellent media player Cons: Very expensive, Somewhat laggy WinMo performance, Panels UI doesn't offer much just...

Breaking: Verizon rolls out BlackBerry Storm update

I know, I know, only ten or so of us actually have a Storm, and only one of that ten actually likes the thing.  Still, news is news: Verizon has started rolling out the first firmware update to the...

Move Over N97: Possible new Nokia touch phone leaked

Days after the N97 was unleashed upon the world, Nokia's next touchscreen phone may have been leaked via a PowerPoint presentation slide.  Then again, this could be entirely fake, or just a...

What was T-Mo's best offering in 2008?

It's that time of year ... No, not Christmas, Hanukkah, or Winter Solstice time ... It's year-end awards time!  The PhoneDog Editors will be selecting our personal Phone of the Year favorites over...

Sprint phone of the year?

It's that time of year ... No, not Christmas, Hanukkah, or Winter Solstice time ... It's year-end awards time!  The PhoneDog Editors will be selecting our personal Phone of the Year favorites over...

Wal-Phone: $99 4GB iPhone Rumored for Wal-Mart

This isn't so outlandish of an idea, but I'll believe it when I see it.The hot Rumor du Jour has a 4GB Apple iPhone headed to uber-discount store Wal-Mart at the low, low cost of $99 with a two-year...
