Noah Kravitz

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Noah Kravitz

Author's latest articles, videos, reviews and more...

Mini-Review: Nokia Email Beta needs some work

Thanks to the folks at Nokia, I've got a re-loan of the E71 smartphone, one of my favorite releases of 2008.  A Symbian S60 device, the E71 has an Email client as part of its pre-loaded Messaging...

Digital Trails: Your money or your privacy?

Last Sunday's NYTimes featured an article about a group of MIT students who've traded their privacy for free smartphones.  Researchers are tracking the every move of 100 or so students as part of a...

Sony Ericsson Xperia X1 Full Review

Which AT&T phone reigned supreme in 2008?

It's that time of year ... No, not Christmas, Hanukkah, or Winter Solstice time ... It's year-end awards time!  The PhoneDog Editors will be selecting our personal Phone of the Year favorites over...

What's the Verizon Phone of the Year for 2008

It's that time of year ... No, not Christmas, Hanukkah, or Winter Solstice time ... It's year-end awards time!  The PhoneDog Editors will be selecting our personal Phone of the Year favorites over...

Nokia vs Apple: Is a 32GB iPhone 3G on tap for January?

The launch of Nokia's flagship, touchscreen and QWERTY N97 has already sparked the inevitable "iPhone Killer" comparisons.  Without getting all into that, it is worth mentioning that the N97 will...

Flagship: Nokia launches N97 smartphone

Nokia kicked off Nokia World 2008 early this morning in Barcelona, Spain with the launch of their new flagship mobile phone, the N97.  Due in the first half of next year, the N97 is Nokia's first N-...

Nokia launches flagship N97

Updates: BlackBerry Storm getting firmware updates

The horribly over-hyped, gimmicky, disappointing, bug-plagued BlackBerry Storm should soon be getting its first dose of badly-needed firmware fixes, according to Greg over at MobileCrunch, and a host...

Worth It?: Three die in Black Friday tragedies

Around these parts we spend a lot of time covering an industry that revolves around consumerism.  I make no bones about the fact that your interest in buying newer, faster, better, and shinier...

Nokia World: What is Nokia unveiling late tonight?

There's a countdown timer on Nokia's website that's set to expire at 9:15 CET - that's 12:15 AM, Pacific time - tomorrow morning, December 2nd.  The timer will strike zero to coincide with the...

Mini-Review: Samsung Eternity - AT&T

Pros: Responsive touchscreen, Full HTML browser, 3.5mm headphone jack, Sleek and lightweight design Cons: Mobile TV service doesn't work everywhere, GPS can be slow, TouchWiz needs some work Samsung...

Mini-Review: BlackBerry Storm 9530 - Verizon

Pros: Beautiful touchscreen, Solid push Email system, Fast EV-DO Rev. A data, Great noise-cancelling on voice calls Cons: No Wi-Fi, Extremely buggy firmware, Power users will likely find it difficult...

Noah's Bark Episode 12 - BlackBerry Storm, Samsung Omnia, Samsung Eternity, and Happy Thanksgiving

Noah is not happy with the BlackBerry Storm. But he seems to like Samsung's new Omnia and Eternity alright. More importantly, he's psyched that A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving was on TV Tuesday night!
