Noah Kravitz

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Noah Kravitz

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T-Mobile Release Dates: BlackBerry 8900 and Samsung Memoir on Feb 18

Merry Xmas Eve, T-Mobile fans!  TmoNews has gone on the record saying that Feb 18, 2009 will be the release date for both the BlackBerry Curve 8900 and the Samsung Memoir.  I guess it'll be more like...

Total Nonsense: CellPhone Signal is wrong about the T-Mobile G2

I usually don't like to call other blogs out by name, and generally don't care all that much if other sites are running bogus rumors (knowingly or not) in order to generate page views.  But this week...

Samsung Android: Sammy Google Phone to Sprint and T-Mo in Q2 '09?

There's a story buzzing around the InterWebs this morning about Samsung having gone and announced that they'll launch an Android phone on both T-Mobile and Sprint in the US in the second quarter of...

Touch HD: Is there an HTC Touch HD with US 3G after all?

Now wouldn't this make a nice stocking stuffer for all you Windows Mobile users out there? (warning, direct PDF link) - and then Engadget Mobile - posted a photo of the internal HTC...

Meaningless Stats: Is BGR or VZW makin' stuff up?

You heard it here first: The Verizon BlackBerry Storm is the all-time greatest/worst, most sold/most returned, happiest/saddest, awesomest/lamest phone ever.  Of all time.  It's true. Confused yet? ...

Rumor Round-Up: What's on deck for BlackBerry in 2009?

We started with A is for Apple, so next comes B is for BlackBerry, though I can't promise to continue following the letter of the alphabet after this post.  What's on deck for everybody's favorite...

Rumor Round-Up: Everything I can think of regarding upcoming phone releases

We should probably start a sticky page to keep track of all of the rumored new phones floating around the Internet.  You know, one page we'd refresh whenever there's new news, and one link you could...

Cookie Monster: LG releases KP500 "Cookie" touchscreen phone

C is for Cookie, and that's good enough for me!  Remember that song from Sesame Street?  Anyway ... Cookie Monster might not be so interested in LG's new Cookie, but I'm guessing you are, since it's...

Noah's Bark Episode 14 - RIP MacWorld Keynote, AT&T Quickfire Reviewed, CES Rumors: Zune and Palm

Happy almost holidays. Noah takes time out from booing the Boston Celtics (over and over) to talk mobile tech: iPhone and Zune rumors, Palm's New-ness, and new Samsung cameraphones are the talk of...

Poll: What was the best unlocked phone of 2008?

You don't have to be in the US, or buy a carrier-branded phone, tospeak up on this one.  No matter where you do your talking and texting,we want you to chime in:  What was the best UNLOCKED phone...

MOTO '09: Leaked photos look like new Motorolas for Verizon

I'm always a little weary of these renderings-cum-photos of new cell phones, especially when the devices are just kind of floating off in space in the photos, and not actually laying on a table or...

iPhone Watch: Dev-Team announces 3G unlock, AT&T selling 3G refurbs

The iPhone Dev-Team, makers of PwnageTool and QuickPwn (unlocking/jailbreaking software for the first-gen iPhone and iPod Touch) have, at long last, announced a solution for unlocking the Apple...
