Noah Kravitz

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Noah Kravitz

Author's latest articles, videos, reviews and more...

Samsung Flight (AT&T) - Review

Mash-Up: Creating the ultimate FrankenPhone

"That thing's going to Cricket" - Aaron Baker, News Editor FrankenPhone! It Lives! Wasn't it Mick Jagger who once crooned, "You can't always get what you want / But if you make a mash-up you kinda...

Connect: Check out PhoneDog on Facebook!

You like Facebook? Your friends, your relatives, that kid who sits next to you in Geometry class or at the next cubicle over — they like Facebook? Perfect! The Dog likes to Facebook, too! Get the...

Palm Pixi: A weekend's worth of impressions

I love Palm's WebOS. I ultimately shied away from making the Palm Pre my daily phone, however, because I didn't much like its form factor. I'm not a big fan of slider phones, instead preferring...

X10 Hands-On: New video makes Rachael look faster

If only the guys at had spent as much time learning how to work the Zoom button on their camcorder as they did editing the over-the-top epic introduction of their new video. Guys, next time...

Live from NYC: T-Mobile Samsung Behold II drops Nov 18 for $229

Adriana is live at the Samsung/T-Mobile joint press conference in New York City. She just texted me to say that the phone has officially been announced as available November 18 for $229 on contract...

Buyers' Guide: Which (An)Droid is Right for Me, Pt 2

Verizon jumped into the Android game with both feet last Friday, selling the much hyped Motorola Droid and its more-than-capable little Sis, the HTC Droid Eris in stores across the nation. With the...

Buyers' Guide: Which (An)Droid is Right for Me - Pt 1

Verizon jumped into the Android game with both feet last Friday, selling the much hyped Motorola Droid and its more-than-capable little Sis, the HTC Droid Eris in stores across the nation. With the...

Droid Day: Can Android really compete with iPhone's huge Apps?

Today's a big deal, whether you care about Android, iPhone, Verizon, AT&T, Motorola, or none of the above. The biggest wireless provider in the land is now selling Google-powered smartphones....
