Noah Kravitz

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Noah Kravitz

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Google Phone: Jan 5th via Google - and T-Mobile?

Happy Monday and welcome to GooglePhoneManiaWeek. Want photos? Aaron beat me to 'em, so check out his post. The latest from sources I trust enough to pass along to you. Again, none of this has been...

Samsung Omnia II (VZW): Noah's hands-on impressions

Samsung's Omnia 2 is Verizon's second Windows Mobile 6.5 smartphone, following HTC's Imagio. Omnia 2 is also the successor to the original Omnia, which at the time was notable for its high-powered...

Palm Pixi (Sprint): Web Browsing

Nokia N900: Noah's hands-on impressions

Nokia's N900 is the first device in awhile from the iconic Finnish phone maker that I've been excited about after having tried it out. I was hyped up about the 5800 and N97 before I tried them out;...

Google Phone: HTC made, sold by Google, T-Mobile supported

And we're off to the rumor races. Yesterday everyone started tweeting about the "real" Google Phone. Today, David over at TmoNews is reporting that the device exists and has been bandied about in...

Google Phone: "The next 12 months will be revolutionary"

Gadget nerds everywhere are all a tizzy about a slew of tweets broadcast by Google employees (and a few hangers-on) leaking the new "Google phone." Let's call this an unverified, very low on details...

Hands-On: Noah's impressions of the BlackBerry Storm2

This is the phone that the first Storm should have been. SurePress is better, the device has WiFi, and the OS is less buggy. That said, unless you're absolutely wedded to the idea of a full-touch...

Cheerio: SE X10 and Samsung Galaxy Lite on T-Mo UK in Q1 2010

Good news for Android fans in the U.K. A jolly good tipster mate of mine says the Samsung Galaxy Lite will hit T-Mobile UK on January 15th, 2010 (and acknowledges the "2009" typo in the screenshot...

Samsung Moment (Sprint): Noah's hands-on impressions

I had high hopes for Moment as the hard QWERTY Android device I'd been waiting for. Sadly, even after using it I'm still waiting. It's not just that Moment ships with Android 1.5 while Moto Droid...

The Dominator: Why Android will become what Windows Mobile used to be

Haven't We Been Here Before? There's a company that makes software for mobile devices: smartphones and what we'll call "pocket computers" (nay, Pocket PCs). This company doesn't make an ounce of...

The Best: Why Palm's WebOS should rule - but doesn't

WebOS Year One: Lost Opportunities or Master Plans? Ten months ago Palm shocked the technology world by unveiling WebOS and Pre at a press conference during CES. Let's hope they've got something...

Samsung Behold 2 (T-Mobile): Noah's hands-on impressions

    Ughh.  TouchWiz plus "The Cube" is overkill personified. Neither of Samsung's customizations actually adds anything to the Android install on Behold 2. TouchWiz in this context basically just...

Join Us: The new PhoneDog Forums are live

Our Forums are better now. Honest. They look, act, and even smell more like Web Forums should. Don't take my word for it - try 'em out. You'll see, feel, and yes, smell the difference immediately. We...

Mini-Review: ifrogz Timbre stereo headset for smartphones

I'm kind of a headphone snob. My friend Ellen, who needs a good headset for listening to music and making calls on her smartphone, is not. So when I received a pair of ifrogz' new EarPollution...

Hands-On: Noah's impressions of the HTC Droid Eris (Verizon)

This is my favorite Android device currently on the market. Why? Eris is slim, supports pinch--and-zoom Web browsing, and runs on a solid network with fast 3G data.    I'll take Eris over Moto...
