Noah Kravitz

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Noah Kravitz

Author's latest articles, videos, reviews and more...

Mystery: HTC Passion (Dragon) Headed to T-Mobile UK?

I owe you all an apology. A few days ago I got a tip ensconced in a riddle shrouded in mystery. It was a good tip, a tip about HTC's forthcoming Android device, the Passion (aka Dragon), being a GSM...

Editor's Desk: Introducing DroidDog and BBerryDog!

    Just about three and a half years ago now I bought an unlocked Sony Ericsson w800i "Walkman Phone," borrowed a friend's MOTO RAZR, and sat down to write my first reviews for PhoneDog. Long before...

Top 5: Noah's Five Favorite iPhone Apps (October '09)

Apple's iPhone OS App Store has something like 100,000 apps. Many of them are junk. Here are five I've been using regularly for long enough now to call them my Fave Five. (Yes, I own an iPhone - I...

HTC Video #2: You

Here's one of HTC's two new video ads: "You."  Me? I like it (but not as much as the other one). You? Hit the comments and let us know what you think.

HTC Video #1: You Are Different From You

Here's one of HTC's two new video ads: "You Are Different From You."  Me? I like it. You? Hit the comments and let us know what you think.

Quietly Red: HTC unveils ad campaign, bringing Dragon to VZW as Passion?

HTC unveiled their first mainstream ad campaign this morning. Hinged around the tag line, "A phone that gets you," and the slogan "Quietly Brilliant," the campaign features print and video ads, has...

Not Verizon: HTC Dragon/Passion is a GSM Android phone

Well, that didn't take long.  Looks like HTC's forthcoming "Dragon," or "Passion," Android phone isn't headed to Verizon, after all. So far as I can tell, the device will pack a Qualcomm Snapdragon...

Verizon Razzle - Unboxing

Samsung Intrepid (Sprint) - Unboxing

Cute and Cheap: iBend launches Artist Series iPhone stands

Maybe it's because they're cute. Maybe it's because they're simple. Maybe it's because they're inexpensive and I'm tired of writing about $200 gadgets that come with $80/month contracts. Who knows...
