Noah Kravitz

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Noah Kravitz

Author's latest articles, videos, reviews and more...

Noah talks with The New York Times

After Noah Kravitz's interview with Bob Tedeschi about the in's and out's of PhoneDog's extensive cell phone comparison section, we received a mention in his New York Times article, 'In Choosing a...

Carrier Wars: Verizon and Google sit in tree, K-I-S-S, say Android phones are coming

(Image via Engadget Mobile) Verizon and Google more or less declared war on Apple and AT&T today. Not really. But kinda. The companies held a joint press conference this morning, at which they "...

CTIA Preview: Android, Android everywhere

With no disrespect intended to the fine work that Palm and RIM, in particular, have been doing as of late, when Fall CTIA kicks off in San Diego tomorrow morning, it's all gonna be about Android....

GeeksPhone One: Seriously, an Android phone called GeeksPhone One!

How amazingly awesome is it that there's an actual product (we think) called GeeksPhone One?  That's awesome! Makes me think of other products that should exist, like "JerkCar XXL" and "SpazBrew...

Floodgates: AT&T launches six phones including HTC Pure and Tilt II

(Photo via Mobility Digest) Just as I was trying to go to bed, AT&T got all crazy and launched six new phones. Some are real launches (with pricing and availability info) and some are fakes (see...

Behold 2: T-Mo and Samsung sorta, kinda, fake launch new Android phone

No offense, T-Mo and Samsung, as you're not the only ones doing this - rather, you just caught the brunt of my frustration with cell phone carriers and manufacturers who play fast and loose with the...

John's Hero: DroidDog unboxes Sprint Hero

Did you know that our very own John Walton is launching his labor of love, the Android-only Did you know that he just got a Sprint HTC Hero and, unlike mine, his didn't arrive with a...

Leaked Specs: Verizon Android phone to PWN everything on December 1?

All kinds of leaked Verizon Android news today, huh? Here's the juiciest bit to date, thanks to AndroidGuys (via MobileCrunch). DISCLAIMER: This is a rumor about a leaked document. Which means it...

HTC Imagio: Verizon launches WinMo 6.5 touchscreen and Mobile TV beast

Verizon and HTC debuted the Imagio just now. Yes, it's been leaked and you've seen the leaked photos already, but you gotta see this thing in person to appreciate it. I have, and it's pretty cool;...

Super Mario World: This is why you want a Nokia N900

Nokia N900 + SNES Emulator + Wiimote + TV OUT = RetroTastic! via EngadgetMobile

Review: HTC Hero for Sprint

The thing about cell phone reviews is that they're usually written after no more than a week or two of using a particular device. Anyone who's ever owned a cell phone (or any daily use gadget) knows...
