Noah Kravitz

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Noah Kravitz

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CES 2008: SE W760 and W350

CES 2008: So Tired I Can Hardly Blog

What's up from Sin City, everybody?  I'm here in the CES Bloggers' Lounge trying to make sense of the past twenty-four hours, rest my weary head and feet, and chat with my new pal Luck of...

CES 2008: Sony Ericsson Unveils Three New Handsets

Sony Ericsson dropped three new handsets on us at CES and while there's nothing groundbreaking here, the new trio is definitely worth a look-see if you're in the market for a new SE phone. The W760...

Viva Las Vegas: Live from CES digital experience

What's up everybody, it's Noah from ... I'm here on Sunday night at Pepcom Digital Experience, the pre-CES press preview event where we're sure to see what all the big players in the...

CES preview: Motorola announces WiMAX desktop device

Motorola has scheduled their own press conference for Sunday night at CES to dovetail with the end of the Pepcom press-only preview event.  While I'm not sure what Moto has up their sleeve to drag...

CES preview: ASUS readying WiMAX-enabled Eee PC

ASUS has announced it will be previewing its next-gen Eee PC ultraportable laptop at CES next week, and several news outlets have pieced together educated guesses that include Sprint-compatible WiMAX...

New Nokias: E66, E71, and QWERTY-fied Nseries device coming?

Nokia news hit the Web this morning in the form of juicy bits about high end handsets.  First off, Boy Genius Report is citing two "reliable sources" in reporting a forthcoming Nseries handset with a...

Don't talk and drive: Study shows babbling motorists slowing your commute

Just last night my wife and I were stuck behind an obscenely slow car while driving home from the store.  I'm all for careful driving - particularly in residential areas - but this car was going...

CES preview: OpenMoko Neo FreeRunner handset

I'm shipping out to Las Vegas Sunday to cover the paean to all things electronic and retail that is CES 2008.  I literally can't keep up with the PR emails inviting me to tour booths, attend press...

iPhone watch: Copy-paste (finally) coming at MacWorld

iPhone Firmware update 1.1.3 has been previewed on blogs around the Web over the past week or so, thanks to an apparent leak from somewhere within Apple.  MacScoop is now claiming that the next...

Touchscreen coffee: Apple-Starbucks partnership to allow iPhone-Based Transactions?

For better or for worse, the United States is slowly catching up to the rest of the world when it comes to cell phone-based utility that goes far beyond mere voice calls and text messages.  A recent...

March of the Touchscreens: Samsung F490 and P720 show up on the web

If you can stand some of the worst generic blues you've ever heard playing in the background, there's live video footage of Samsung's newest touchscreen handsets floating around the Internet right...

Ultimate iPhoneBuds: UE ships 4 vi iPhone headset

Ultimate Ears makes in-ear monitoring systems for professional musicians and really excellent earphones for the rest of us, too.  Their 5 pro earphones ($249) have been amongst my favorites...

gPhone watch: Android development kit not so hot?

Google's Software Development Kit for Anrdoid - their Linux-based phone operating system - has been in developers' hands for more than a month now.  So what's the word on the street?  According to...

Here come the Superphones: Nokia N96 and SE P5i pics leaked

It's almost New Year's, which means it's almost time for CES in January, 3GSM in Barcelona, and CTIA in March.  In other words, get ready for a fresh new crop of hyped handsets during the winter...
