Taylor Martin

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Taylor Martin

Taylor Martin is the Managing Editor for PhoneDog and has over six years of experience with BlackBerry and two or more years of hands-on experience with mobile platforms like Android, webOS, and iOS. When he isn't writing into the wee hours of the morning, Taylor is hacking, tweaking, and modding one of his phones or tablets to do his laundry and cook his breakfast. Away from cell phones and other gadgets, Taylor spends his time with friends and family and enjoys playing video games, eating sushi, tweeting, and watching anything of worth on Netflix – especially documentaries. If you have any Netflix recommendations or tech-related questions, follow him on Twitter. Just remember to keep it under 140 characters, folks.

Author's latest articles, videos, reviews and more...

The need for cell phone mealtime etiquette

It never fails, I am either on the phone with someone or trying to carry on a face to face conversation and I am met with someone breaking up the conversation to finish sending a text message. We've...

Why is cloud storage so important for mobile users?

It seems like every day there is another must-have cloud service being introduced. The need and drive for things to be moved to “the cloud” is ever-growing. Photos, music, contacts, and pretty much...

Should Android users have the option to choose between custom software and stock Android?

Ah, the bickering never ends when it comes to Android and third-party manufacturers' custom skins. We've all tried at least one of them and either endured the associated pain or reveled in its...

Is Samsung on the fast track to winning customers over?

Last year, Samsung's rep took a turn for the worse. They made countless, hollow promises of the Froyo update to their US Galaxy S users. To make a long story short, this rollout didn't actually...

What percentage of consumers actually want or already own a tablet?

It is common knowledge that tablets are still luxury items. They attempt to bridge the gap between PCs or laptops and the much smaller smartphone. The problem is, they lean more towards the...

Will Sony's pair of Honeycomb tablets flop?

Within a matter of months, the tablet market has completely changed. No longer are manufacturers creating tablets that look like they all came from the same factory. Instead, a handful are putting...

Taylor's Top 5 Non-Android Smartphones (June 2011)

It has been said several times now that making a top five smartphones list isn't exactly easy. Instead of things getting easier when you remove Android from the equation, things actually become more...

Will feature and messaging phones eventually die out?

The cell phone market is both fast-paced and volatile. Things are constantly changing and new tech is always being introduced. We've seen companies rise and fall in a matter of years ... and even...

Are poorly-made Android apps to blame for a majority of Motorola's device returns?

It's no real secret that Motorola isn't exactly happy with Android as of late. They've faced somewhat poor sales and have struggled to make another knockout device since the OG Droid or Droid X....

Will Apple's WWDC 2011 announcements have a major impact on the market?

As per usual, the hours, days and weeks leading up to a large Apple event, rumors and speculations tend to skyrocket as fans try to guess what Apple will bring to the table. Heading into the WWDC...

Is talking on your cell phone a thing of the past?

Back when cell phones were first invented, they served one main purpose: making calls. Those who were willing to cough up an arm and a leg were fortunate enough to place a phone call from nearly...

Should Motorola make a Nexus phone?

Of all of the Android phones out there – and let's be honest, it seems like new ones are launching nearly every day – a few particular phones tend to get more attention than others. Even though they...

Top 5: Taylor's top five Android phones (June 2011)

I made my first top five Android list back in April. Knowing good and well that some of the hottest phones were on the brink of release, the past list was bound to become irrelevant in no time. Here...

Which carrier should get the first 4G iPhone?

As per usual, rumors of the next generation iPhone have spread far and wide, some claiming the device will sport a larger display, others saying it will tout an 8-megapixel camera. But one of the...

Does a wide array of accessories give the iPad an edge over Android tablets?

The relatively new tablet trend has finally taken off. Several serious Android tablets are now available and a mess of them are just around the corner, coming in all sorts of shapes, sizes and forms...
