Taylor Martin

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Taylor Martin

Taylor Martin is the Managing Editor for PhoneDog and has over six years of experience with BlackBerry and two or more years of hands-on experience with mobile platforms like Android, webOS, and iOS. When he isn't writing into the wee hours of the morning, Taylor is hacking, tweaking, and modding one of his phones or tablets to do his laundry and cook his breakfast. Away from cell phones and other gadgets, Taylor spends his time with friends and family and enjoys playing video games, eating sushi, tweeting, and watching anything of worth on Netflix – especially documentaries. If you have any Netflix recommendations or tech-related questions, follow him on Twitter. Just remember to keep it under 140 characters, folks.

Author's latest articles, videos, reviews and more...

Can Mango and Nokia hardware help Windows Phone's market share troubles?

It has been a tough year for Microsoft. Their mobile platform has struggled to gain any momentum in the market. The likes of both Android and iOS have made it especially hard for competitors to...

Windows Phone 7.5 Mango Review by Taylor

Windows Phone wasn't exactly met with much fanfare when it hit the US shores late last year. Sales have been rather poor and devices have been quickly lost in a sea of Android. At one percent of the...

Is a lack of 4G connectivity a deal breaker?

There's no doubt that 2011 has been the year for 4G. Years ahead will clearly prove to be more groundbreaking as we finally obtain "true" 4G and break records in mobile network speeds. But for all...

How will the Kindle Fire affect the tablet market?

I will be the first to admit that during Amazon's press event on Wednesday, I really didn't find myself too interested in what Amazon had to say. Another tablet? Okay, great. Only $199? Cool. Next....

What is a smartphone, exactly?

What is a smartphone? You don't get asked that question very often, as we all have a general idea of what is and isn't a smartphone. But when asked this, it's kind of hard to coherently put the...

Are users willing to pay yearly subscriptions for mobile security?

As smartphones gradually become more PC-like and more consumers hop on the bandwagon, security threats become more of a problem. Malware and Trojan applications slip into the open Android Market,...

Your tablet may be costing you more than you bargained for

For many of us, the Interwebz are still relatively new territory. Sure, we know our way around, are a part of 15 different social initiatives and have probably won an eBay auction or two. But buying...

Could Google learn something from Windows Phone updates?

Even though Microsoft's Windows Phone platform has only managed to muster one percent of the US smartphone market share over the past year, it doesn't change the fact that they have done several...

Sorry, T-Mo: it's not about what does more, it's about what works

This is a battle for the history books, folks. The back-and-forth between Android and iOS is never-ending. "The iPhone has more apps and it's pretty." "So? My droid has the 4Gs and a kickstand!" The...

How using my Galaxy Tab has made me more productive

As you all probably know by now, I am a tablet fiend. No matter how useless or overpriced they may be, I genuinely believe that they have a place in this world. They're more portable but less...

Do you experience phone-related aches and pains?

In all of their glory, cell phones and tablets are great. They make us more productive and keep us entertained, no matter where we go. But not everything is always so grand. While these devices may...

Are phones becoming more expensive due to 4G access?

Cell phones have undergone rather substantial changes over the past few years, both in design and function. They're getting bigger, faster and more powerful with each passing moment, and being...

Should you be concerned about cell phone hacking?

As cell phones become more computer-like, they're bound to face more computer-like issues. The greater of those being security, a slew of mobile security firms have spawned. And those who carry...

QR Codes could be used for so much more

Smartphones are no longer just a means of communicating, working on the go or playing games; they have become our lifelines. Sure, I could realistically live without my phone. But I would have to...

Has Apple bitten off more than they can chew?

If you haven't read or heard about the patent trolling that has been happening as of late, you likely do not turn your computer on very often. For the past several months, Apple and a handful of...
