Hot on the heels of our first peek at the BlackBerry 10 N-Series smartphone, a new image has surfaced showing the N-Series along with a couple of other unannounced handsets. Posted on the technology board of 4Chan, this photo shows an N-Series device on the far right, a full-touch L-Series model in the middle and a new device on the far left. This white smartphone features a keyboard that's straight like the one on the N-Series, but without any frets, similar to the Curve models that RIM currently offers. There's no mention in the original post about what this mystery phone could be, but BlackBerryOS claims that it's an R-Series BlackBerry 10 unit, which may be the new line of Curve-like phones for BlackBerry 10.
The Curve line of BlackBerry smartphones generally have lower-end specs than its Torch and Bold brethren, and because of that they're generally cheaper and can be a device that folks looking for an affordable smartphone can consider. This new white phone does give off a bit of a Curve vibe, and it wouldn't be a surprise to see RIM continue creating wallet-friendly devices once it makes the move to BlackBerry 10, especially since RIM CEO Thorsten Heins has said that his company is prepping three QWERTY-equipped BlackBerry 10 units along with three full-touch models. So now that we've gotten a peek at three different BlackBerry 10 phones, has any of RIM's upcoming hardware piqued your interest?
Via MobileSyrup, 4Chan, BBOS