Noah Kravitz

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Noah Kravitz

Author's latest articles, videos, reviews and more...

Smile!: Do you use the camera on your cameraphone?

Hey, look, a poll! If you haven't yet, please take a moment to vote in the other polls of the week: Phone-based GPS and navigation? Web on your phone? Phone as music player? Mobile Email on your...

Top 5: Noah's Fave Five on Verizon - September 2, 2009

By way of a different take on the beloved Top 5 lists, I decided to go carrier by carrier instead of phone type by phone type. I'm sticking to the four major US carriers since theirs are the phones I...

Top 5: Noah's Fave Five on AT&T - September 1, 2009

By way of a different take on the beloved Top 5 lists, I decided to go carrier by carrier instead of phone type by phone type. I'm sticking to the four major US carriers since theirs are the phones I...

App Review: RunKeeper Free/Pro for iPhone

UPDATED: See a few additional comments from RunKeeper's Jason Jacobs at the end of the review So I started running a month or so ago. Mainly because I stopped working near my gym and needed to find...

Nav to go: GPS services on your phone?

Apparently I'm all curious this week, wondering exactly how you all use your mobile devices.  And so it's time for another poll. If you haven't yet, please take a moment to vote in the other polls...

Mobile mail: Email on your phone?

Apparently I'm all curious this week, wondering exactly how you all use your mobile devices.  And so it's time for another poll. If you haven't yet, please take a moment to vote in the other polls...

Palm Pre vs HTC Hero, Pt 3: Web, Apps, and Wrap-Up

A preview of the happy dilemma facing Sprint customers this Winter? Could be. Noah pits the Palm Pre vs the HTC Hero in the final chapter of this PhoneDog Dogfight!

Mobile Web: Do you browse the Web on your phone?

Poll time, kids. I'm thinking about convergence - you know, making one thing do the work of many things - and wondering if normal people like you actually use all of the crazy features on your...

Mobile tunes: Do you use your phone as a music player?

Poll time, kids. I'm thinking about convergence - you know, making one thing do the work of many things - and wondering if normal people like you actually use all of the crazy features on your...

A Blogger's App: Blank Software's Button

You might think that the world of tech blogging is a cutthroat, dog-eat-dog kind of place. Not true. Or maybe it is, but I'm just too naieve to notice? Either way, I tend to like it when other blogs...

5,000: Thanks, everyone!

  Thanks to everyone who follows, used to follow, and/or told someone else to follow. My only hope is that it's been worth it. An appropriate celebration (i.e. show of thanks) will follow ;-D

Sizing it Up: How big is the Nokia N900, anyway?

So like I said yesterday, I'm kind of excited for the Nokia N900. While I won't be heading to Germany next week, my pal Ewan will be at Nokia World in Stuttgart and so I'm hoping to bribe him into...

Mini-Review: "Best iPhone Apps" - The book

I'll keep this short, sweet, and to the point. So we can get to the link and the free content at the end. O'Reilly sent me a review copy of Josh Clark's new book, Best iPhone Apps: The Guide for...

Nokia N900: A step in the right direction?

It's no secret around these parts that I haven't been a fan of Nokia's touchscreen phones to date. I liked the 5800's contacts bar but the overall user interface left me cold, and trying to enter...

Almost Famous: Virtual 3D models of neato cell phones

Every so often I'll come across an entry on a blog or in an RSS feed that catches my eye with the name of a cell phone I've never heard of. Happened to me yesterday when I saw IntoMobile's headline...
