Alex Wagner

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Alex Wagner

Editorial Director of News and Content for PhoneDog Media. Arsenal, beer, video games. Can be followed on Twitter at @alw. I participate in the Amazon Associates program, which means I may earn a commission from purchases made through affiliate links.

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Apple loses another iPhone prototype, iPhone 5 design teased by Apple software?

Well, this story sounds familiar. A report out of CNET is alleging that at the end of July, an Apple employee lost a prototype iPhone at a San Francisco bar named Cava 22. According to a "source...

HTC: DROID Incredible, ThunderBolt Gingerbread updates coming in September

Good news for all of the HTC DROID Incredible and ThunderBolt owners on Verizon: Gingerbread is on its way. HTC announced on its Twitter account today that both the Incredible and ThunderBolt will...

Verizon BlackBerry Torch 9850 tipped for direct fulfillment on September 8th, in stores on the 15th

Verizon customers finally got their first taste of BlackBerry 7 earlier this month with the launch of the Bold 9930, and now it looks like a second helping of the new OS is right around the bend....

Sony officially details Tablet P and Tablet S availability, Sony Ericsson unveils Xperia Arc S

The IFA conference in Berlin may not officially kick off until September 2nd, but the press days actually started today, meaning that we've got a few new products for you to check out. First up,...

Department of Justice files complaint to block AT&T/T-Mobile deal [UPDATED]

Hold on to your hats, folks, because things in AT&T's proposed acquisition of T-Mobile are about to get crazy. A report from Bloomberg has just revealed that the U.S. Department of Justice has...

HTC Jetstream landing on AT&T September 4th for $699.99

Heads up, AT&T-ers: after months of leaks, the HTC Jetstream is finally launching on your network on September 4th. Priced at $699.99 with a two-year contract, the Jetstream features a 10.1-inch...

Sprint early termination fee increasing to $350 on September 9th [UPDATED]

It's finally happening, Sprint users. After standing by and watching your smartphone-owning friends on Verizon and AT&T have their early termination fees bumped up to north of $300, it appears...

HTC Runnymede to sport Gingerbread, Beats audio, and a 4.7-inch display? [UPDATED]

HTC and Android fans take note, because we've got a new codename for you to keep in the back of your mind: Runnymede. According to a report out of Pocketnow, this mysterious Gingerbread handset is...

Samsung Galaxy S II announced for AT&T and T-Mobile, Epic 4G Touch for Sprint

After months of waiting, the U.S. variants of the Samsung Galaxy S II have finally been unveiled. Both AT&T and T-Mobile are sticking with the Galaxy S II branding, while Sprint has opted to...

Samsung SCH-i515, aka DROID Prime, earns Bluetooth SIG stamp of approval

Remember that rumor from yesterday that claimed that the Samsung DROID Prime features the model number SCH-i515 and is coming to Verizon this October? Well, a CDMA device carrying that very model...

Samsung Galaxy S II Epic 4G Touch for Sprint leaks again, some spec details included [UPDATED]

Sprint's Samsung Galaxy S II variant, the Epic 4G Touch, has been by far the leakiest of all the upcoming U.S. GSII models, and that trend continues today thanks to a leak from Samsung itself. A...

Samsung Mesmerize Android 2.3 Gingerbread update now available

Samsung may be planning to unveil its U.S. Galaxy S II variants later today — at an event which we'll be covering live — but we've also got some good news today for Galaxy Mesmerize owners on U.S....

HP exec says TouchPad may be resurrected, current owners to get OTA update [UPDATED]

Earlier this month, HP caught many of us off-guard when it announced plans to discontinue operations on webOS hardware, like the Pre 3 and TouchPad, effective Q4 2011. It seems that the TouchPad may...

T-Mobile to introduce Signal Booster program on September 7th?

T-Mobile has long been the only carrier of the big four without an in-home signal-boosting device like AT&T's 3G MicroCell or Sprint's Airave, but it looks like that may finally be changing next...

Sprint schedules "Strategy Update" event for October 7th

Clear your schedules for early October, Sprint users, because your carrier just sent out invites to a "Strategy Update" event to be held on October 7th. The event is scheduled to take place from 9:...
