Taylor Martin

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Taylor Martin

Taylor Martin is the Managing Editor for PhoneDog and has over six years of experience with BlackBerry and two or more years of hands-on experience with mobile platforms like Android, webOS, and iOS. When he isn't writing into the wee hours of the morning, Taylor is hacking, tweaking, and modding one of his phones or tablets to do his laundry and cook his breakfast. Away from cell phones and other gadgets, Taylor spends his time with friends and family and enjoys playing video games, eating sushi, tweeting, and watching anything of worth on Netflix – especially documentaries. If you have any Netflix recommendations or tech-related questions, follow him on Twitter. Just remember to keep it under 140 characters, folks.

Author's latest articles, videos, reviews and more...

At what point will mobile display technology plateau?

Mobile display technology has come leaps and bounds over the last four years. Starting with the original iPhone, the finger-friendly capacitive touchscreen was introduced, which answered the woes of...

Will Windows Phone be home to the best mobile cameras?

Up to this point, Microsoft's Windows Phone has struggled to gain any substantial market share, regardless of high customer satisfaction, great hardware and topnotch software performance. This poor...

Why can't Android OEMs make a powerful phone in a BlackBerry-like form factor?

A few years ago, if you wanted a smartphone, options were pretty slim. Depending on your wireless provider, you could choose between a few BlackBerry models, a couple Palm devices and even fewer...

Do you use your tablet for reading news and magazines?

As you all are well aware, I use my tablet a lot. In my two years of searching for the perfect lightweight companion, I have yet to find the perfect tablet. But what I have found is a plethora of...

What are your thoughts on the leaked video of the Ice Cream Sandwich update?

A lot has happened in the Android camp over the last few weeks. Several high-end phones have entered the rumor phase, others have launched, and we finally got a legitimate glimpse into Ice Cream...

Was Samsung's Unpacked event delay planned to build hype?

It has been one crazy, roller coaster of a week. A lot has went down and I'm not sure how to take some of it in. In all honesty, we should have seen the iPhone 4S coming. By that, I mean we should...

Have you ever had application buyer's remorse?

Applications, or the vast selection of them, are easily what make smartphones and tablets "smarter." They come in all shapes and sizes, and bring (most of) the capability of a home computer to your...

The Top 5 things I want to see in the Nexus Prime

So, another crazy week in the mobile world, eh? After 16 months of waiting and increasingly intense rumors about the next generation iPhone, Apple surprised us all with an incremental upgrade to the...

How Android's Law has really put the pressure on Apple

Smartphones have undergone some pretty rapid improvements over the last two years. The start of this change can mostly be credited to Apple, who introduced the first iPhone in early 2007 and kick-...

Should carriers offer more low-minute rate plans?

Data is the new "minutes" and voice calls are slowly becoming a thing of the past. Of course, there will always be a need for voice calls over text or instant messaging or email. But since the mass...

How long will Sprint's unlimited data last with the iPhone 4S?

Well, Apple's new iPhone and iOS announcements are now behind us, and many of us were left unimpressed, disappointed, underwhelmed and probably a bit surprised. But that doesn't speak for everyone....

Was Apple's iPhone 4S announcement disappointing?

Phew. There you have it, folks. Apple's first post-Jobs announcement from Infinite Loop is over. And somehow the Internet (barely) survived yet another Apple announcement. Truly amazing. Joking...

Will iPhone Assistant be the highlight of Apple's announcements today?

Take cover. Apple's past due iPhone announcement – whatever it truly may be – is scheduled for today. Seeing as their invitations to said announcement were tagged with "Let's talk iPhone," we all...

Are tablets perfect for on the go content creation?

Are you one of the many that believe tablets are a lost cause? A waste of time? Adobe has set out to prove you wrong. They believe tablets are perfect for on the go content creation. Tablets are...

What I hope to see in the iPhone 5

FOR MORE IPHONE COVERAGE, CLICK HERE Apple hasn't released a new iPhone in almost a year and a half. They missed their typical schedule of a new phone every summer and we're now entering October...
