What a journey! It’s been unbelievable, the response and support you guys have mustered for Today’s iPhone. And now I am so pleased to make it official…
Geared for iPhone/iPod Touch/upcoming Apple Tablet users, the site offers news, rumors, app and accessory reviews, tutorials and more. We’ve even created a community vid section! So all those talented videographers in our midst can show off their stuff, and users can check out what fellow visitors are excited about.
We couldn’t have done this without you, the PhoneDog community — whether you brainstormed with us for the domain name, applied to be a content contributor, entered the logo contest or simply tuned in to watch all this unfold. I really hope you guys like the site. And you know, even if you’re a fan of a different platform, I’m hoping you dig it enough to pass it on to an iPhone/iPod Touch/upcoming Apple Tablet user in your life.
Here’s a quick word about our contributors: We’ve got people from California to England, young teens to late thirties, and newbie bloggers to trained writers, all adding their talents to the mix. (And the vloggers are quite possibly young Noahs-in-training!) A couple of our iPhone experts are even Android fiends as well, so they’ll help keep us honest and objective.
There’s already some great content at TiP (pronounced T-I-P, not “tip,” by those in the know;-), and there’s plenty more on the way. So take a look, leave a comment, fiddle around, and above all, let us know what you think!
This brings us to another important announcement: If you’ve been wondering who took the gold in the logo contest, let me update you.
There were two designs that were neck-in-neck in our eyes, and it took a lot of deliberation to reach a decision. But in the end, we can only choose one logo, and so we are proud to announce that the winner was designed by Ryan Hamrick (reachable via www.ryanhamrick.com). Not only did his design get the most votes, but its aesthetic, scalability and flexibility perfectly suited the site. (As evidence, you’ll see a slightly adjusted version of his logo on the website right now.)
Congratulations, Ryan! The $250 prize is on the way!
Special mention needs to go to Titus Fuller, whose talent is only matched by his patience. As the designer of the second place logo, he created multiple versions at our request. I know we didn’t specify this an award in the contest rules, but we can’t let your efforts go unrewarded, so you will be receiving $100 via PayPal. Thank you again, Titus.
And a lot of heartfelt thanks to everybody who participated in this process. We built Today’s iPhone together, and I hope you are proud of the work we all accomplished. I am.