When the FCC inquires about something, they really investigate. Despite Verizon's huge $350 ETF when it comes to "advanced devices" and the subsequent harassment received from the FCC, the group has determined that it wants to hear from everyone on how they apply ETFs, claiming that "there is no standard for structuring and applying ETFs throughout the wireless industry." To that end, they sent letters to AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, and Google (thanks to that equipment recovery fee) asking questions about how the ETFs are determined and applied to customer's accounts.
Now, don't expect ETF's to go anywhere anytime soon (with the exception of Verizon's monster one, perhaps), but hopefully we'll get a resolution in the form of "non-lawyer speak" when it comes to trying to decipher the contract terminology. If the FCC can't understand the legal jargon (given the people that they have on the payroll), how can they expect us to understand it?
Via Engadget