Facebook is seemingly always making tweaks to its News Feed, like adding support for offline commenting or Music Stories. Today the latest change has been revealed and confirmed by Facebook.
Facebook is now testing multiple News Feeds on mobile instead of just a single feed. As shown on Twitter by Jason Stein, there’s a user’s main News Feed, and then you can swipe over to view feeds dedicated to specific topics like Travel, Style, and Headlines.
Facebook confirmed the new feeds, saying that, “People have told us they’d like new options to see and have conversations about more stories on Facebook around specific topics they’re interested in.” The feeds are made up of posts from people and Pages based on certain topics.
Facebook is adding customizable interest-based feeds. A newspaper made up of all the world's newspapers. pic.twitter.com/Ll7pib6Mb5
— Jason Stein (@jasonwstein) December 29, 2015
Along with these topic-specific feeds, Facebook is also rolling out its Marketplace to more users. Also known as “Shopping,” the feature is accessible in the middle of the bottom row of icons where the Messenger icon is for most everyone else. Launching the Marketplace feature will let you buy items that are being sold by Pages that you’ve liked, and it’ll also show any sale groups that you’re a part of.
Facebook says that only a small number of folks in the US currently have access to Marketplace.
With these updates, it seems like Facebook is working to meet more of your needs to help keep you in the app longer. With the multiple News Feeds, you can either view what’s going on with your friends or check out the news on specific topics that interest you rather than jumping to a dedicated news app. Then there’s Marketplace, which can be a sort of Etsy/eBay/Craigslist mashup that may not be quite as good as each of those sites on their own, but Marketplace offers several aspects of each inside of a single app.