OnePlus is making a big deal out of its OnePlus 2 launch, hyping its virtual reality reveal almost as much as it’s been hyping up the OnePlus 2 itself. And if you’re planning on watching the OnePlus 2 revealed in virtual reality, you can now get prepared with the official app.
The OnePlus 2 Launch app is now available for download in Google Play. As its name suggests, the app will let you check out the OnePlus 2’s VR launch, which will begin on July 27 at 7:00 pm PST. You’ll need a VR headset in addition to the app if you want to take part in the VR festivities, whether that’s OnePlus’s own Cardboard headset or another VR viewer.
If you don’t have a VR headset or just would prefer to watch the OnePlus 2 launch the old-fashioned way, the OnePlus 2 Launch app also has a Cardboard-free experience that OnePlus says “won’t be as immersive, but it will still be interactive and amazing.”
Additionally, OnePlus has quietly opened its OnePlus 2 reservation list. This reservation list is part of OnePlus’s improved invitation system for its new device, and it’ll let you get an invitation as soon as they become available.
OnePlus currently says that “many” people are already on the reservation list, but when I signed up earlier today, I was approximately 20,000th in line. OnePlus says that they should have 30 to 50 times more OnePlus 2 stock at launch than they did for the OnePlus One launch, though, so hopefully it won’t take long for reservation list members to get an invitation to buy the 2.
Obviously it’d be nice if the OnePlus 2 were just available to everyone on day one, but that’s not the way that OnePlus operates. The company is still a small one, and it uses this sytem to “keep risk low.” And like it or not, this invitation system is a way to keep the hype for its OnePlus 2 as high as possible for as long as possible. Hunting for invites and waiting on a reservation list will help to keep the OnePlus 2 in consumers’ minds well after the phone is revealed.
Have you signed up for the OnePlus 2 reservation list? If so, what’s your position?