The April Android platform distribution numbers are in, and they include the first appearance of Android 5.1.
Google’s Android platform distribution stats measure which versions of Android were used to access Google Play during a seven-day period. In this case, it’s the week ending on April 6. During that time, Android 5.1 was on 0.4 percent of devices and Android 5.0 was on 5 percent, giving Lollipop a total share of 5.4 percent of Android devices. In March, Android 5.0 had a 3.3 percent share.
Next up, we’ve got Android 4.x. Version 4.4 KitKat was on 41.4 percent of devices during Google’s survey period, which is a slight jump from the 40.9 percent share that KitKat saw last month. Android 4.1-4.3 Jelly Bean finished at 40.7 percent, down from 42.6 percent in June, and Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich dropped slightly to finish at 5.7 percent.
As usual, there are still a few pre-4.x versions of Android hanging around. Android 2.3 Gingerbread finished April’s survey period with a 6.4 percent share of devices, and Android 2.2 Froyo is holding strong with a 0.4 percent share.
We’ve seen major devices like the HTC One M8, Samsung Galaxy S5, and Galaxy Note 3 and 4 all get updated to Android 5.0 in recent weeks, and so it’s no surprise to see that version gain in market share. It’s also no shock to see KitKat grow a smidge since there are still some new devices launching with 4.4 and not 5.0. As for 5.1? That version is only rolling out to Nexus and Google Play edition devices so far, and since those devices are never mega-sellers, it makes sense that 5.1’s share is starting out low.
Which versions of Android are you running?