Hot on the heels of Sony Ericsson's XPERIA X10 and Vivaz hitting AT&T, a different XPERIA device has hit the FCC. This time, we're looking at the Sony Ericsson XPERIA X8, which is set to launch in Q3 this year and features a 3-inch touchscreen, 600 MHz processor, 3.2 megapixel camera, quad-band HSPA, and Android 1.6, though it will see Android 2.1 at some point. Interestingly, the FCC decided to use the X8 in a fairly extensive photo shoot, showing off all aspects of the device that it could think of. There's no word on if we'll see the X8 in the U.S. or what carrier(s) it will land on. Given how buddy-buddy Sony Ericsson and AT&T have been lately, though, I wouldn't be surprised to see it head there.
While the XPERIA X8 isn't the most high-end Android smartphone in recent memory, it does look like a small, easily pocketable device. It also has interchangeable faceplates, making it attractive to the more fashionable crowd. With its 3-inch screen, the X8 looks like a nice middle ground between Sony Ericsson's XPERIA X10 and X10 mini. How many of you would consider picking up an X8 if it was made available here in the U.S.?