Qualcomm today took the wraps off of its newest Snapdragon processor, the Snapdragon 732G. This is a follow-up to last year's Snapdragon 730G with a few improvements.
The Snapdragon 732G features the same octa-core Kryo 470 CPU as the 730G but has a higher clock speed, 2.3GHz vs 2.2GHz. The 732G is also getting a 15% graphics performance boost over the 730G out of the same Adreon 618 GPU.
There's a gaming-focused improvement with the Snapdragon 732G, too, which is support for select Qualcomm Snapdragon Elite Gaming experiences. Qualcomm touts that these will "allow players to experience seamless and ultra-realistic gameplay in over a billion shades of color."
The Snapdragon 732G includes an X15 LTE modem, meaning there's no 5G connectivity here. It does offer support for up to 800Mbps download speeds on LTE thanks to features like 3x carrier aggregation and up to 4x4 MIMO.
Qualcomm's new chip is Wi-Fi 6-ready, too, and includes support for Bluetooth 5.1. There's NFC support in there, too, as well as Quick Charge 4+ which can charge your phone up to 50% in just 15 minutes.
The first device to include the Snapdragon 732G will be a new POCO smartphone that's launching soon.
While it may not have 5G support, the Snapdragon 732G will still be an important processor for Android devices. 5G is still very young and there will continue to be new Android phones launched without 5G in the coming years. The Snapdragon 732G could be a good fit for those mid-range models that want to skip 5G to help keep their prices down.