Noah Kravitz

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Noah Kravitz

Author's latest articles, videos, reviews and more...

OpenWeb: Sprint bringing "Real Web" to dumbphones

No, no, I didn't just mean to call your cell phone dumb.  What I meant is that most non-smartphones can't browse the "Real Web" - aka the Web you see on your desktop or laptop computer.  While...

Winner: Verizon spends $9.6 billion on FCC auction

The FCC's 700MHz spectrum auction is over, and Verizon and AT&T came out on top - unless you think Google wins because they may have gotten just what they wanted without having to spend a penny...

CTIA preview: VZW Samsung Glyde outed in pictures

We've been following the progress of Samsung's F700 superphone ever since a production dummy hit Sammy's booth back at CES '07 more than one year ago.  The GSM F700 has been available overseas in...

Noah's Palm Centro Onyx Red review

What's Good: Full-featured, easy to use smartphone for entry-level price; Clear, bright, high-resolution touchscreen; Compact body with rounded edges; Zippy EV-DO data with access to Sprint TV...

Uh-Oh MOTO: Motorola cuts design teams in half

Things just get worse every day for the one time king of the cellie.  Boy Genius Report (by way of The Register UK) has the scoop on a company statement regarding the future of designers in Moto's...

Headset review: Aliph Jawbone

Aliph's Jawbone has garnered a lot of praise - and hype - as one of the best mono Bluetooth earpieces out there.  Most of the fuss has to do with Jawbone's "military grade" noise canceling technology...

CTIA preview: Are Nokia and Sprint prepping a WiMAX web tablet?

A few weeks back my man over at Nokia sent me their N810 Internet Tablet to play with (yeah, that same one I watched launch over breakfast last Fall in San Francisco).  It's a pretty interesting...

User experience: Some thoughts on touchscreens and user interfaces

Touchscreens have made their mark on the mobile phone industry over the past 9 months like never before.  Though handsets with touch-based user interfaces existed long before Apple's iconic iPhone...

Nokia 3555: T-Mobile launches 3G-capable flip phone.

T-Mobile USA announced the availability of the Nokia 3555, but didn't mention its 3G capabilities in the official press release.  The Nokia 3555 is a basic low-end handset that's been kicking around...

Flash: Microsoft licenses Flash Lite and Adobe Reader for Windows Mobile

Score one for a device not made by Apple.  Adobe announced that they've licensed Flash Lite and Adobe Reader LE for implementation on Windows Mobile, thus bringing interactive Web content to millions...

Super phone: AT&T N95 ad shows up on Google

A few weeks ago I reported on increased talk about Nokia's N95 - that do it all 5MP Camera, GPS & WiFi uberphone - making its way to AT&T here in the US before too long.  That was just the...

Uh-Oh MOTO: More Motorola Executives depart

Two more top-level executives left Motorola this week, continuing the company's massive reorganization of its mobile devices division.  Mike Fenger, Head of Mobile Devices in Europe, was let go and...

CTIA preview: MOTO planning big things?

Motorola showed a few nifty handsets at CES in Las Vegas back in January, but was almost a no-show at 3GSM in Barcelona last month, sparking more rumors about the one-time King of Handsets possibly...

CTIA preview: Helio making plans for later in '08; no Ocean 2 just yet

Helio's been knocked around in the news a bit lately, but a source tells me they're doing alright and planning some big things for later in the year.  Despite having been cut off by former parent...
