Noah Kravitz

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Noah Kravitz

Author's latest articles, videos, reviews and more...

Wow: Motorola insider tells of company fall

Hot on the heels of news that Motorola is spinning off their mobile handset division, after all, comes this compelling, revelatory read over on Engadget that's worthy of Page Six tabloid coverage. ...

Headset review: Samsung WEP 500 mini earpiece

When it comes to Bluetooth earpieces, I think less is definitely more.  You'll never catch me walking around town with a Bluetooth clipped to my ear unless I'm actually talking on the thing.  No...

Noah's Samsung Mysto review

What's Good: All kinds of multimedia, Web, and location-based features; Super slim profile; Speedy EV-DO access; GPS; 106MB Internal Memory What's Not Good: Touch sensitive controls are very finicky...

More ways to waste time: MySpace mobile is free for everyone

Addicted to MySpace?  Happy to pay for the privilege of checking up on your favorite online friends from your mobile phone?  Get ready to save three bucks each month, then, because MySpace Mobile has...

Conference calls made easy: Vello named audience favorite at under the radar

Vello, who goes by the self-given nickname "The Conference Call That Calls You," was named Audience Favorite in the Business Calls category at the Under the Radar Conference earlier this month.  Yeah...

Wish you were here: LG's OZ camera phone puts US camera phones to shame

Not to be a buzzkill on the eve of the US's foremost cell phone extravaganza, but just look at how much cooler cellies are in other parts of the world:  LG's "Oz" camera phone packs a 5.1 megapixel...

Game review: Guitar hero 3 mobile rawkz!

I'll be honest with you: I'm probably the only tech blogger in the world who hasn't played Guitar Hero or Rock Band yet.  Yeah, that's because I'm a big loser, and also because I don't own a gaming...

Roller-Coaster ride: Alltel add's customers, loses money in Q4 of '07

Okay, that headline might be just a wee bit misleading.  Alltel did add a record number of customers and did lose a boatload of money last quarter, but their revenues were actually up 12% as compared...

FCC auction: Is Dish Network getting into mobile TV game?

Behind the headlines about Verizon and AT&T "winning big" in the recently closed FCC spectrum auction lies an interesting subplot.  Dish Network Corp bought themselves $711 million worth of "one-...

Unlocked #2 - Guitar Hero Mobile, SE K790a, iPhone unlocked

In less than a year and with a total of only 45 videos, we are proud to announce that Noah Kravitz has passed the one million view mark at YouTube!  Congrats Noah on this momentous triumph! Noah's...

CTIA preview: Will HTC preview its "dream" Android phone?

There's been a lot of chatter but not too much in the way of hands-on action since Google's announcement of its Android platform for mobile phones.  We've heard tell of problems with the developers'...

Business class: T-Mobile launches BlackBerry 8820 with WiFi and GPS

T-Mobile unveiled another HotSpot device today in the RIM BlackBerry 8820.  The 8820 looks much like the BlackBerry 8800, which has been available from T-Mob for awhile now, but this latest...

CTIA preview: More rumors about the SE P5i and "Shiho" cyber-shot phone

CES, 3GSM, even CeBIT - with each big trade show that cell phone makers have exhibited at thus far this year has come a new round of rumors regarding Sony Ericsson's long-awaited "iPhone Killer." ...

iPhone Video: Unlocked, jailbroken, and reviewed

iPhone is great. iPhone unlocked and jailbroken is better. Noah from reviews Apple's cell phone as he uses it - running on T-Mobile with a bunch of third party software installed. 
