A couple of days after details of the Samsung Galaxy S II Skyrocket's Jelly Bean update made their way online, AT&T has made the update officially official. The big blue carrier just announced the update on its official blog and named several of the new features that are included with the Android 4.1.2 bump, such as Smart Stay, Direct Call, Pop Up Play and AT&T Drive Mode, the last of which is a feature that can automatically reply to incoming messages if the phone detects that it's in a car that's moving faster than 25 mph. Users will also be gaining access to Jelly Bean-specific features like Google Now and expandable notifications.
As I noted before, it looks like the Skyrocket's Jelly Bean update is only being offered through Samsung's Kies computer software. While updating through Kies isn't quite as convenient as installing an over the air update, getting upgraded from Android 4.0.4 to Android 4.1.2 is worth the effort. If you've got a Skyrocket and haven't yet updated to Jelly Bean, grab your phone and a USB cable and hit up the Samsung link below for installation instructions.