Samsung announced back in late August that the Galaxy S III would soon be available in a handful of new colors, including Amber Brown, Sapphire Black and Titanium Gray. Now it looks like folks on Verizon will have the chance to pick up a new GSIII in two of those colors. Verizon has revealed on the home page of its website that it plans to offer both the black and brown versions of the Galaxy S III "soon."
The Galaxy S III originally launched at Verizon in both Pebble Blue and Marble White in early July. While this guy would've liked to see the Garnet Red Galaxy S III break free from AT&T exclusivity and hit the big red carrier, it's still good to see that the new color variants of the GSIII will be making their way to U.S. carriers. So Verizon folk, between Pebble Blue, Marble White, Amber Brown and Sapphire Black, which Galaxy S III color do you prefer?
Via Droid-Life, Verizon