As we all know, today is EVO launch day - Sprint's biggest day of the year. Available online and in retail stores as of today, Sprint, Best Buy, and Radio Shack were all open early to accommodate. Out of the five stores I visited this morning, all were absolutely packed on the inside, though only three had lines outside. Sprint was providing refreshments for waiting customers.
What's more, as I'm writing this, I'm receiving communication that Sprint's retail systems are experiencing activation issues:
@CathyCeiger "My husband's at Radio Shack, preordered his, but computers can't access Sprint activ. at all."
@aversusb "Serious activation system errors at Sprint stores currently! Slammed"
Have you picked up your EVO yet? Waiting in line? Sitting in a Sprint store with activation issues? Leave a comment below or shoot me a tweet (pictures are great too!), and I'll add it above!