Back in August, there was a hubbub surrounding the Galaxy Note 5 and its S Pen, which could be inserted into the Note 5 backwards and end up damaging the device. Fast-forward to today and we’ve learned how Samsung is dealing with the matter.
Samsung is now including a message on the protective cover that comes with a new Galaxy Note 5 that explicitly shows users how to correctly insert the S Pen. Included is a message explaining that if you insert the S Pen the wrong way, it can indeed damage both the pen and phone.
“Warning! Be sure to insert your S Pen with the nib pointed inward. Inserting the S Pen the wrong way can cause it to become stuck and can damage the pen and your phone.”
We saw back in August that Samsung did include a warning in the Note 5’s user manual about inserting the S Pen into the phone correctly. However, a lot of folks don’t read the user guide for their new phone, so many Note 5 owners probably never read the message. And while the correct way to insert the S Pen may seem obvious to some of us, it’s still wise for Samsung to plainly print this warning on the protective film that covers the Note 5 itself, ensuring that most everyone that buys a Note 5 will see it.