Earlier this week, details of an upcoming Nokia phone/tablet hybrid codenamed "Bandit" leaked out. The report claimed that Nokia is hard at work on a new Windows Phone device that will feature a 6-inch 1080p display and quad-core processor. Now it looks like a second report has come out in support of the original while also adding a bit more information on Nokia's plans.
Sources speaking to Reuters claim that Nokia will hold an event in New York in late September to unveil new smartphones with large displays. The tipsters say that Nokia has created more than one new piece of hardware and that a "phablet" will be included, though they wouldn't elaborate any further on the devices or their specs.
The largest Nokia phone that's currently available is the Lumia 625, which features a 4.7-inch display. However, Microsoft is rumored to be prepping a Windows Phone 8 GDR3 update that will add support for screen sizes that are 5 inches and larger as well as quad-core processors and 1080p displays. This would enable Windows Phone manufacturers to begin cranking out big phone/tablet hybrid devices like the ones that have become increasingly popular in the Android world.
In addition to its 6-inch 1080p display and quad-core processor, Nokia's Bandit is rumored to include a camera of at least 20-megapixels as well as a polycarbonate body. The Bandit is said to be in testing with AT&T. Overall this big-screen Nokia sounds like a pretty high-end piece of kit, and I'm betting that there are quite a few Windows Phone fans that will be interested in it for the large, high-res display. What do you think of this rumored Nokia Bandit? Are you excited about phone/tablet hybrid devices coming to Windows Phone?
Via Reuters