Earlier this week, a leaked document claimed that July 12 would be the day that the Samsung Galaxy S II Epic 4G Touch would finally be bumped up to Android 4.0. That just so happens to be today, and a quick look over at Sprint's community forums shows that the carrier has indeed officially announced the Epic 4G Touch's Ice Cream Sandwich update. The new software is version S:D710.10S.FF18 and brings with it an update to Android 4.0.4 as well as Google security patches and email enhancements.
The good news is that Epic 4G Touch owners don't have to wait for their taste of ICS, as Sprint says that the FF18 update will be released today. The Android 4.0.4 upgrade will be rolled out to devices in stages, and a note on Sprint's updates page mentions that all phones on the most current prior release will get the new update within 10 days. While Epic 4G Touch owners may have been getting a little antsy while waiting for the device's Android 4.0 update as of late, all that matters now is that the new software is finally here, and we can now cross another Galaxy S II variant off of the "Waiting for ICS" list. If you've got an Epic 4G Touch, keep an eye out for that update!
UPDATE: Sprint has posted an announcement for the Epic 4G Touch's Android 4.0.4 update, explaining that it'll begin rolling out over the air today and should hit all users within the next month. Included in the post is a more fleshed out changelog, which you can find below. Sprint also said that it'll begin offering a Buy One, Get One deal on the Epic 4G Touch starting July 15. The Epic 4G Touch is currently available for $149.99 with a two-year contract and $50 mail-in rebate. Now, for that list of changes:
Via Sprint (1), (2)