When Apple took the wraps off of the new iPad earlier this year, one of the new features that the company touted was its 4G LTE connectivity. That model's label, "WiFi + 4G," caused some issues for Apple in countries like Australia and the U.K., where the 4G branding was also used despite the fact that the iPad couldn't actually connect to any 4G network in those areas. Now the Cupertino firm has changed the way that it brands the LTE iPad in many countries around the world, including the U.K., Australia, Canada, Ireland and the U.S. The 4G model is now dubbed "Wi-Fi + Cellular" in those markets. Apple has even taken things a step further on its Australian site, adding that the cellular-enabled iPad "is not compatible with current Australian 4G LTE networks and WiMAX networks."
While Apple hasn't officially come out and announced the name change or the reasoning behind it, it seems likely that the new branding is a result of the heat that the company has faced over its 4G label in areas like Australia and the U.K. While "WiFi + Cellular" may not sound quite as nice as "WiFi + 4G," the decision is probably a wise one. How many of you have bought a 4G-enabled cellular-enabled iPad here in the U.S.? If you have one, how have AT&T and Verizon's LTE networks been treating you?