Details of the (hopefully) impending Samsung Galaxy Nexus launch continue to slowly leak out, with today's tidbit of information coming from a Costco inventory screen. According to the image, Costco is currently planning to sell the Verizon-bound Galaxy Nexus for $289.99. Unfortunately there aren't any GalNex launch date details to be found in the photo.
This news doesn't come as a complete shock considering that we've seen the Galaxy Nexus appear on Verizon minimum advertised price list at $299.99, but it's good to see that nothing has really changed since we last got some leaked info on the device's pricing. Of course, we're still waiting on the folks at Verizon to end all of this leaking and sneaking around and give us the official deets on the Galaxy Nexus. There's no telling when that'll actually happen, but you can bet you'll be the first ones we tell when it does.
Via Android Central