Depending on what you’re looking for in a phone, whether it’s the best processor, best display, or best camera(s), you’re probably going to end up paying a pretty penny. Which means you’re left with a question after you get that new, expensive phone: do you “risk it” without a case, or do you spend a bit more and get the protection?
There are so many options.
I’m not a case person, but obviously I see a lot of them on a semi-regular basis. Both online and out in the real world. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to get plenty of protection for your phone, but obviously it plays a big role which phone you actually buy. Samsung and Apple have a ton of options from third-party companies, with plenty of variation in design, materials, and what have you.
I’m not entirely sure why I’ve never really embraced a case. I’m sure it mostly has to do with the fact that I’m just generally more careful with my phone on a daily basis. I know it’s expensive and I know it will crack, or outright bust, if I drop it. So I try to not do that, or put the phone in precarious situations.
I’ll go ahead and knock on wood now.
I don’t think I’m going to get a case this year, either. I’ve considered a clear option in the past, and I almost bought one not too long ago for the iPhone 11 Pro Max, but I just couldn’t go through with it. Maybe I just don’t want to outright jinx myself. Maybe if I put a case on my phone that’s when I’ll drop it. But at least the case will be there!
But I know that I’m the odd-one-out here. So I’m curious, what type of case do you use? Do you prefer a clear case, leather, folio, wallet? How much did you spend for yours, and has it saved your phone from a bad fall? Let me know!