Aaron Baker

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Aaron Baker

With ten years of wireless experience under his belt, Aaron Baker is the guy to go to for all things technology. Since 2001 PhoneDog has been building a loyal audience and today is one of the most trusted brands in mobile news and technology. Known internationally as the “face of mobile phones,” Aaron is a former video producer and editor for PhoneDog and its accompanying YouTube channel and has appeared on FOX, AZ Family (KTVK), and local radio stations to talk technology. In addition to headlining campaigns for AT&T and Sprint, Aaron has starred in web commercials and promotional videos for Samsung Electronics, Best Buy Mobile, and Verizon Wireless. Aaron and his family live in Dallas.

Author's latest articles, videos, reviews and more...

BlackBerry Tour News: Verizon reverses course; Sprint restrictions

The BlackBerry Tour news continues today, with an interesting reversal of policy on Verizon's part.  Those frustrated by Big Red's decision to allow pre-ordering for new customers only can rest easy...

Zer01 Mobile officially launches...sort of

It's one thing to inform the public that you've launched your product, but it's another thing when that product actually becomes available to the masses.  Zer01 Mobile, the startup that rocked CTIA...

T-Mobile's promotional summer plan returns

Maybe I'm the only one (oh wait, no, Congress thinks the same as well), but monthly cell phone bills are still entirely too high, even in 2009.  Thanks to owning a BlackBerry (and the giant "data...

BlackBerry Tour Roundup: New launch dates and pre-ordering woes

With July 12th around the corner, news about the BlackBerry Tour 9630 continues to circulate, and we're here to provide you with the most up-to-date information as it comes in.  On today's news radar...

BlackBerry Bold arrives in South Korea

It's safe to say that its been a while since the launch of the phone, but the BlackBerry Bold has finally landed on the shores of South Korea.  Thanks to a modification of a former law that gave...

Government getting cozy with Sprint in preparation for 2010 census

Regardless of the ability to carry the latest device on the market or have the best plan in the industry, Sprint's ability to say that it is the exclusive partner of the US Government is beyond neat...

Verizon plans to offer cameraless version of the BlackBerry Tour

Though the excitement centers around the launch of the BlackBerry Tour itself, it's nice to know that those that can't have a camera at work can still purchase the device.  Despite the feature cut,...

BlackBerry News: Tour 9630 coming to both Verizon and Sprint in July

We knew it was coming, but dates have been semi-announced for the BlackBerry Tour 9630 on Verizon and Sprint.  On Verizon's "testman" website, the date is officially listed as July 12th.  On the...

Whoa: Texting more dangerous than driving drunk?

Unfortunately, text messaging while driving is something that many do on a regular basis; I'll be the first to admit that I've sent the occasional e-mail while on the road.  In an interesting...

Aaron's LG enV3 Slate Blue review

Overview What's good: Battery warrior, great internal and external keypadsWhat's bad: Using camera while QWERTY keyboard is open results in a challenge. Introduction When one thinks back to the...

Nokia decides to offer another sale, starting tomorrow

Last week, Nokia offered up a substantial deal for those looking to pick up an unlocked handset, and it appears that it was successful, as they're doing it this week as well.  On Thursday, June 25th...

Motorola QA1 Karma en-route to AT&T

Summertime is the time of new phones, and yet another device has jumped into the fray - the Motorola QA1 Karma.  Following in the footsteps of other QWERTY texting machines like the LG Versa, LG enV3...

Apple sells 1 million iPhone 3G S devices during opening weekend

One million iPhone 3G S' purchased and six million copies of OS 3.0 downloaded.  In a nutshell, things are looking good for Apple.  Even Apple CEO Steve Jobs, unheard of for months (and a member of...

Sprint launches LG LX370, Samsung Exclaim, and HTC Snap

Most of the attention has been centered around the Pre as of late, but that's not stopping Sprint from releasing neat phones in time for the summer season.  Both the LG LX370 and the Samsung Exclaim...

AT&T to be fourth carrier to offer cellular service in Chicago metro

A common frustration for me is the fact that wireless dead spots still exist, even in 2009.  Fortunately for Chicago AT&T users that have problems in the city's subway system, their suffering...
