Aaron Baker

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Aaron Baker

With ten years of wireless experience under his belt, Aaron Baker is the guy to go to for all things technology. Since 2001 PhoneDog has been building a loyal audience and today is one of the most trusted brands in mobile news and technology. Known internationally as the “face of mobile phones,” Aaron is a former video producer and editor for PhoneDog and its accompanying YouTube channel and has appeared on FOX, AZ Family (KTVK), and local radio stations to talk technology. In addition to headlining campaigns for AT&T and Sprint, Aaron has starred in web commercials and promotional videos for Samsung Electronics, Best Buy Mobile, and Verizon Wireless. Aaron and his family live in Dallas.

Author's latest articles, videos, reviews and more...

Hanging at the Shack: T-Mobile to be sold at Radio Shack stores

Effective today, T-Mobile has a new place to call home: Radio Shack.  Officially becoming the carrier's largest national retail partner with more than 4,000 locations, T-Mobile will offer several...

BlackBerry Roundup: OS 5.0 for Storm, BlackBerry Thunder appears

OS leaks for the BlackBerry Storm 9530Previously available for the Storm and Curve 8900, OS 5.0 has finally made its way to the BlackBerry Storm through a Chinese website.  As usual, OS 5.0...

Sprint announces upcoming WiMAX markets

Despite the industry trend to migrate towards LTE, Sprint and Clearwire are continuing their commitment to WiMAX technology.  Shortly after announcing the launch of WiMAX in Las Vegas on August 1st,...

BlackBerry Desktop Manager coming to the Mac world

Mac BlackBerry users, grab your oxygen - BlackBerry Desktop Manager is finally coming to the Mac platform.  Arriving in September, features will include the ability to: Sync your iTunes playlists,...

Verizon drops BlackBerry Storm to $99

In light of the BlackBerry Tour launch, Verizon has lowered the price of the BlackBerry Storm to $99.99 after a $100 instant online discount, with a new two-year agreement.  Good news for those that...

Musings from the Dog Pound: BlackBerry Tour

Observing device launches has always intrigued me.  In my opinion, the method in which a carrier launches a device lends credence to their dedication to the device - short-term and long-term.  Having...

Palm Pre software update launching on Wednesday?

I'll give credit where it's due - to data, Palm has done a good job of releasing steady software updates as needed to the Palm Pre.  Rumored for a release "on or near 7/22/09" according to "...

Series of Verizon handsets to land by the end of the year?

Though I can't say for sure if this is a comprehensive list of all of the Verizon-branded devices to launch this year (I hope not, since the Touch Pro2, among others, is missing in action), it's...

Weekly News In Review: Sprint's Tour stock, Boost CDMA price drop

Since we can't actively cover every news article that breaks (as much as we would love to), PhoneDog compiles various announcements and press releases that have been published throughout the week and...

US Cellular rebate sheet reveals upcoming handsets

In the wireless industry, rebate forms are the most reliable document to go by when it comes to upcoming devices.  According to BGR, the rebate form goes live today, and lasts until November 12th. ...

Nokia E72 passes through FCC, one step closer to US shores

Following in the design footsteps of the E71, Nokia's latest gem, the E72-2, has just passed through the doors of the FCC.  Sporting a gold coloring, the E72 offers full HSPA on the 850 and 1900 MHz...

NFL Mobile Live coming to Palm Pre

At the heart of journalism is (or shall I say, should be) honesty.  I'll be the first to admit - save for the fact that Tony Romo left Jessica Simpson, I know nothing about the NFL.  By the same...

Customer orders Tour, arrives with complimentary employee picture

File this one in the "wow" category.  Excited about receiving a BlackBerry Tour 9630 like the rest of us, Crackberry forums member flighthawks presumably opened the boring FedEx box to see a shiny...

Aaron's BlackBerry Tour review

Introduction It's a well-known fact in BlackBerry land: CDMA users tend to get the shaft when it comes to new devices (with the exception of the Storm). While the GSM side was enjoying the Curve 8900...

RIM's "MyBlackBerry" online community website goes live

Sure, there are quite a few BlackBerry communities on the web, but are any of them able to trump an official website, stemming directly from the manufacturer?  Lauded as "the official community for...
