Noah Kravitz

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Noah Kravitz

Author's latest articles, videos, reviews and more...

What's New: A whole bunch of upcoming phones and rumors

Happy August, everyone! I won't tell you exactly when, but I will tell you that I officially turned a year older earlier this month. I still feel like a Spring Chicken in a henhouse full of cell...

T-Mobile HTC Touch Pro2 - Unboxing

T-Mobile's the first US carrier to get HTC's big bad beast of a smartphone, the Touch Pro2. Noah gets it out of the box and onto your screen.

Noah on Bay Sunday #3

Noah filmed a third segment with Bay Sunday's own Sue Kwon that highlights messaging devices, accessories, and a full iPhone 3G S portion.  Noah highlights the Nokia Surge for AT&T, the T-Mobile...

Samsung Reclaim (Sprint) - Unboxing

Good and Evil: Apple, Google, The Feds and Your Wireless Life

  So much virtual ink has been spilled within the tech sphere over the Google Voice/Apple App Store fiasco, and yet I still can't quite wrap my head around how I feel about the whole thing. Certain...

Galcon: My latest casual gaming addiction

  Last Friday I received a review copy of O'Reilly's new book, Best iPhone Apps by Josh Clark. A proper review of the book is forthcoming, but upon first glance (well, multiple glances, really) it's...

Mobile Streaming: NBA star livecasts during car accident

Those of you who follow me on twitter know that when I'm not talking mobile tech I'm usually talking music or sports - basketball in particular. If you're a hoops fan you're probably well aware of...

Sprint Leak: HTC Hero, Samsung Q Android phones on 10/11?

  I've been hearing for awhile now that HTC's Hero will hit Sprint in time for the US holiday shopping season. We've all also heard rumblings about a Samsung Android phone coming to the Now Network...

iPhone 3GS vs HTC Hero - Dogfight, Pt 1

The mighty iPhone faces some stiff competition from the best Android phone yet, the HTC Hero. Is HTC's new "Sense UI" enough to take iPhone down? Dogfight! with Noah from

MOTO Sholes: If this Verizon Android phone is real, I want one

  The more I use Android, the more I like it. But even the best virtual QWERTY boards in the world - HTC Hero and Apple iPhone, I'm looking at you - can't quite make me forget all about the joys of...
