Noah Kravitz

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Noah Kravitz

Author's latest articles, videos, reviews and more...

gPhone watch: There IS a gPhone after all? And it has a gButton?

The more we seem to know about Google's maiden voyage into the cellular space, the less it seems we know.  First it was a smartphone and a network, then just a smartphone, then a bunch of smartphones...

Cyber-Shot in America: SE K850a coming to AT&T or T-Mobile

I've got it on good authority that Sony Ericsson's new flagship Cyber-Shot phone is headed to a major GSM carrier before too long.  My money's on AT&T (for the reasons mentioned below), but it...

Top 5: 5 things to watch for this fall

There's so much going on in the cellular industry right now, it's high time for a Top 5 list that's about more than handsets alone.  Don't worry, there's some hot handset action here for you.  But I'...

Mini-Review: Monsoon HAVA streams video to phones

I recently got to play with the Monsoon HAVA Platinum HD, one of three streaming video devices Monsoon is now selling under the Hava name.  Like a Slingbox, HAVA sits between your TV and Cable Box/...

Ears to the ground: Nokia sponsoring Web 2.0 Summit - product launch this week?

Nokia is the Platinum Sponsor of the Web 2.0 Summit which kicks off this Wednesday in San Francisco, CA.  Nokia has also been widely reported to be developing a WiMax-enabled version of their N800...

iPhone watch: Apple releases web apps directory

It's not as good as the real thing, but better than nothing ... I guess. Unwavering from their stance that "iPhone does run apps ... Web 2.0 apps," Apple went live with their Web apps directory on...

Noah's Sony Ericsson W580i Carbon Grey review

My wife has used a Samsung T809 ever since we signed a service contract a year and a half ago and she got one for free (after rebate, of course).  She really liked the phone's sleek slider profile,...

Almost high speed: T-Mobile releases 3G handset; still no 3G network

T-Mobile unveiled their first ever 3G-compatible handset in New York City this week.  The Samsung T639 - currently available at select stores in NYC only - is a clamshell phone with quad-band GSM/...

Changes at the top: Sprint, AT&T face executive transitions

Sprint and AT&T will both soon be seeing some changes at the top of their mobile phone divisions, albeit for very different reasons.  First Sprint CEO Gary Forsee resigned his post under fire...

Me and my Shadow: HTC Shadow headed to T-Mobile?

A few days ago Fareed blogged about a mystery device forthcoming from smartphone maker extraordinaire HTC.  The mystery phone may have been revealed today as the T-Mobile-bound "Shadow," aka the HTC...

Prada: Is AT&T readying LG's "iPhone Killer"?

Remember back to this Spring when the rumor mill made it sound like every cell phone maker not named Apple was scurrying to ready their own "iPhone Killer" in time to compete with Apple & AT&...

Lots and lots of phones: MOTO announces 9 new handsets

Motorola unleashed nine new mobile phones upon the citizens of the world today, though one of them isn't really "new," but rather a special edition of a recently released handset.  The U9 is a...

iPhone watch: Limited unlocking achieved for iPhone 1.1.1

Score one for the hackers.  Or, as an old boss of mine liked to say, "Information Wants to be Free."  iPhone 1.1.1 Jailbreak has now been reported to activate handsets, and apparently allows for...

iPhone killer: Sun and Samsung developing Java Phone?

Sun Microsystems and Samsung are working together on a Java-based mobile phone that will cost less and do more than Apple's iPhone, according to a report published in "JoongAng Ilbo, "a South Korean...

Food, Prizes, and Phones: come to the San Francisco reader meetup with Samsung

Hey everyone -- Samsung has graciously offered to co-sponsor a PhoneDog reader meetup at the CITA Wireless IT & Entertainment show Monday October 22nd in San Francisco.  I'll be hosting the event...
