Noah Kravitz

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Noah Kravitz

Author's latest articles, videos, reviews and more...

iPhone watch: Why the price cut? European iPhone on tap for Sep. 25th?

A work day - and a bunch of blog posts and news articles later - I've got a few thoughts and one lingering question about today's Apple announcements. First off, Apple's event and IFA 2007 (the...

Work it baby: Yahoo! and Elle to provide fashion week coverage

Personally, I'm missing New York right now because the US Open is happening.  But some of you out there no doubt long to be in the Big Apple to get a peek at Fashion Week, the fashion industry's...

We hardly knew ya: Palm cancels Foleo

I can't say I'm surprised or disappointed by this one.  In fact, go ahead and check out my post on the Palm Foleo from May 30 before you read on. You're back now?  Okay.  Palm CEO Ed Colligan...

Game On: Apple lowers iPhone price and introduces mobile iTunes store

Apple expanded their presence in the mobile market today, albeit with a unique twist.  At a media event in San Francisco, Apple CEO Steve Jobs announced that the 8GB iPhone will now sell for $399 - a...

gPhone watch: New details, google snaps up office space in NYC

The buzz is all about Google's forthcoming move into mobile.  A report on GigaOm ticks off a bullet point list of supposed details on the forthcoming gPhone, corroborating earlier reports that the...

Ocean for the rest of us: Pantech C810 Dual-Slider coming to AT&T

Multiple reports have cropped up in the past few weeks all but confirming the Ocea-esque Pantech C810 all but ready for an AT&T launch.  Built by the folks responsible for manufacturing the Helio...

Motorola RAZR2 Video Review

Part 1 of Noah's Motorola RAZR2 V9m cell phone review. A first introduction to this unique and full featured handset, straight out of the box.  

Motorola RAZR2 V9m for Sprint

gPhone Watch: Google's Mobile OS To Be Unveiled Soon?

Engadget has an interesting post dated August 28 regarding Google's efforts to develop a Linux-based smartphone OS and a possible "post-Labor Day" announcement from the company regarding their mobile...

'Tis the Season: Playstation Phone for Xmas? Which Xmas?

Sony Ericsson's got the W-Series Walkman phones, the K-Series Cybershot phones, and the P-series smartphones.  So what would they call a line of Playstation-branded gaming phones?  We might find out...

Takeover: Microsoft Rumored to be Buying Out RIM

This is a stunner.  Shares of Research in Motion - makers of the BlackBerry line of smartphones - rose over 3 percent Thursday on speculation that Microsoft is interested in buying them out.  Now,...

Shake it Up: AT&T Picks up Sony Ericsson w580i Walkman Phone

Sony Ericsson's slim new slider phone showed up on AT&T's website today.  The w580i (which debuted on Rogers a few weeks ago) features a QVGA display, dedicated music player controls, stereo...

Noah thanks CTIA for his big wireless video contest win!

While attending CTIA this March in Orlando, Noah captured the experience on his camcorder and created his Cellular Madness video.  After the show when CTIA announced that they were having their first...

gPhone Watch: Is HTC Building a Google Phone for Early 2008 Launch?

News has been swirling around a possible cellular initiative coming from Internet giant Google, and the buzz has heated up over the past week or so.  Rumors coming from several sources about the so-...

CTIA Prize
